Chapter 31- Preparing

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Hello my lovely readers! I am SO sorry for the wait! I know you guys get sick of hearing it and me missing my update deadlines, but I do it for you! Work has been crazy what with the summer holidays ( I'm a waitress at a beach resort) but now that things are quieting down I have so much more time to write while I'm at work. This chapter took me much longer to write than I wanted it too, and it's not as long as I'd like because I decided to cut it into 2 chapters to fit everything I wanted in. I promise I won't take nearly as long to post the next chapter because it's pretty much done already!

Love you guys and thank you for sticking with me!

Addy POV

Ron stayed for 2 more weeks, but with the knowledge of the Horcruxes in his head, in all of our heads for that matter, he couldn't stand not trying to find Harry and Hermione.

"Do you have everything you'll need?" Ginny asked, standing in the entry hall rubbing her protruding belly absentmindedly.

"I've got plenty of food if that's what you mean." Ron said, giving her a lopsided smile from where he was kneeling securing the ties on his rucksack.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course." Ron stood and looked down on the two of us. A funny feeling entered my chest, hollowing it out and making a pit form in my stomach. I didn't want Ron to go. Although I knew it was selfish to want him to stay, I knew he had to go. Just having him around made everything feel better, knowing that my family was for the most part, safe. Well, as safe as you can be with an insane wizard controlling the wizarding world.

Ginny rushed forward, throwing her arms around him and began sobbing. He staggered back from the unexpected assault and dropped his jumper. The further along she got into her pregnancy the more emotional she got.

Ron hugged her awkwardly. "Blimey Ginny, it's okay, stop mauling me would you!" I stifled a snort and smiled and bent to pick up his jacket. As I did, an object fell from the pocket with a clatter. I picked it up, unsure of what it was. It was cylindrical and had a clasp at the top, like a lighter, and it was cool to the touch.

"Ron, what's this?" I asked, handing him his jumper and the object as he released Ginny.

"It's a deluminator." He said, pocketing it.

"A what?" Ginny asked.

"Dumbledore invented it. Basically it's a light switch. What with all the stuff going on with you two I forgot I had it." As he said this, he clicked the clasp and all the lights in the house flicked off and flew into the deluminator. He clicked it again and the lights flew back into their original places.

Ron stared at it with a funny look on his face.

"Did you two just hear-" he broke off and shook his head, "never mind." He had a funny look on his face.

We all stood in the hall, the tension in the air was palpable. We all knew that once Ron walked out that door, there was a good chance he would never come back. It hung in the air between us and made a difficult situation that much worse.

"No point in dawdling." Ron mumbled rubbing his face. He turned to Ginny and looked down at her stomach. "You better behave for your Mum and not come to early or keep her up all night. You're a Weasley though, so I doubt you'll behave, but just don't make things too rough. Hopefully your Dad and I can figure out how to stop You-Know-Who in time for you arriving so that you can grow up safe and happy. I can't wait to meet you." He patted the baby bump as he spoke.

Ginny smiled, her eyes glistening with a film of tears. I was fighting holding mine back as well. He looked up and Ginny and hugged her. "Stay safe. Everything will be okay." He said as he held her close to him.

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