Chapter 33- Delivery

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A/N I know everyone gets impatient waiting for updates but you all know when I do update it is well worth the wait. Please understand that I am a college student on the pre med track, and I am not always able to write and update due to actually living in the real world. I am not an author for a living. I work 8 to 12 hour shifts as a physical therapists aide to wounded war veterans. It's a demanding job mentally and physically and when I get home after work I usually have dinner, shower, and go to bed. While I know many of you respect the fact that I'm a busy person, other seem to forget this. Please work with me. Thank you. I am drawing this story to a close. One more chapter after this.

Addy POV

"What." I said, momentarily struck dumb. Of all the inconceivable problems that had landed in my lap on this night, this had to be the worst.

"The baby is coming." Ginny groaned, doubled over, gripping her belly.

Her voice spurred me into action. "Fred! George! We have to go, NOW!" I screamed. Somehow they must have heard me, or something in my voice that made them realize something was really wrong. Within seconds, there was a massive explosion from within the shop, followed by a thick black cloud of black fog.

"Peruvian darkness powder." Fred huffed as he and George staggered from the shop. "The baby is coming we have to go now!" I shouted. Fred and George exchanged a glance then looked at Ginny. "Fred!" I said, snapping my fingers in front of his face. "Get Fleur!" He nodded stupidly then turned and disappeared with a sharp POP! "George, help me." I said gesturing at Ginny. He turned and scooped her up into his arms. "Oi you got heavy." He said trying to force a smile out of her. She glared at him and mumbled something that our mum would've beaten her for saying.

"Let's go!" I said, turning and pulling us into the darkness of disapparation.


Ginny's scream split the thick tension in the little cottage. I winced, hoping Allissia would sleep through the worst of what was to come.

"Addy!" The twins yelled from the back room where Ginny lay, whimpering and covered in sweat. "Im coming!" I yelled back, carrying a load of fresh towels. Charging into the room I whirled about tossing the towels onto the chair next to the bed, snatching the wet rag from Fred, no George's, hand and dunking it into the bucket of cold water next to me. Wringing it out, I carefully placed it on Ginny's forehead.

"One of you," I looked up at the twins, "go find Fleur, I don't care what she's doing, tell her little potter is making an appearance." They looked at me stupidly, faces pale and scared. " NOW!" I snapped and they bolted from the room without a second glance.

"Idiots" Ginny mumbled. I smiled down at her reassuringly. "I look like death, don't I?" She grumbled. "No, nothing like that!" I lied. Ginny rolled her eyes. "You're an awful liar." She said shortly, pushing herself into a what o hoped was a more comfortable sitting position. She leaned her head back against the headboard of the bed and sighed staring up at the ceiling, hands circling her belly, in soft soothing motions.

"I'll be right back" I said, darting into the hall. Pulling the locket from under my shirt, I pulled out my wand and quickly sent a message to Draco on the scrap of parchment concealed within.

"Baby coming. Deatheaters at W.W.W. All safe here. Love you. Be careful." I snapped the locked shut, tucking it back under my shirt, and returned to Ginny's bedside.

"Addy." She began, then gasped, doubling over and snatching my hand. "Breathe! In through your nose and out through your mouth!" I said desperately, thinking of anything I knew that could possibly soothe her. "Shut up!" She snarled through clenched teeth, squeezing my hand so hard i felt my bones creaking. Wincing, I tried to pull my hand back and quickly gave up.

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