Chapter 1; back for break

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ok hi guys im kinda doing this one on my life and what i would like to happen in it while im a high schooler. hope its good enough for your liking. =)

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"ROSE WAKE UP WAKE UP!" my little brother, well not that little i mean he was 2 years yunger than me to yah, Tyler jumped on me. allmost every day starts the same.

"only 2 more weeks kido till the big 17 B-Day. now wake up. tyler go get ready for school, just becasue it was spring break doesnt mean you can keep up that act all break!" my dad yells but he really yells the last part at my bro.

in case you cant allready tell my mom is no longer in the picture. well she left us when i was 7 and my brother was 5. yah it was hard but thats how i got like i am today because of her and i wouldnt change a thing about it.

so my normal rutean in the mornings is get out of bed, go well normally wake up my brother and go make breakfast for everyone. then after go rush to get ready for school. you know hair a tad of make-up here and therre but not muvh, then cloths , put books in my bag. and the list goes on. then me an my bro are out the door driving to school.

since Ty is 15 he doesnt have his lisent, nore does he want it. which i think is kinda weird for him but its his way so whatever.

once at school i ark between my two bestest friends ever, Liam and Lexi, they have been my friend sence well ever and we do allmost everything together.

"hay my besties!" i yell to them and hugged them at the same time. we havent seen each other for 2 weeks and we all have changed. its kinda weird how mutch you can change in just a few weeks.

"Hay rosie, how the fam and stuff?" liam asked with the biggest smile ever.

"Good, how was you trip to Calarado/ and how was your trip to the U.K. Lexi?" i asked at the same time

"It was-" they started at the same time but stoped and laphed and then the 1st bell ranged and we took off tward our 1st class, Science. as we walked in i could see that all the Jocks were siting together but i knew them all we were all good friend.  i was kinda the popular girl, but not the one that is at the very top. i was the girl who knew everyone and they knew me.

i waved to them and walked to the three empty seats in the middle, by the jocks well actualy seperating the jocks from the nerds i gess or not that talkative. i sit in the middle of the row along with Lexi in front and Liam behind me. this was mainly how it was in all classes i had with them wich was just about all.

after Science was history and then my art class the only one i had with out my besties. and after art is lunch! i walked into the ccafateria line and got my tray with a slice of pizza, cookies, and a bottle of water, the usual really. once i got my tray i looked around trying to figure out were to sit and then i see liam and he was trying to get my attention.

"HAY, ROSIE OVER HERE!" he yells through the hole lunch room making me smile.

i walked over to were he was sitting and he was sitting with the hole football team. nothing out of ordanary i normally sit here anyways.

"hay rose." the twins, James and Blake, sometimes you cant tell them apart, so i smile.

"hay guys, so watcha doin boys?" i asked kinda flirting but i hope they know im just messing around, right?

"not much, missing you to mutch." blake said and gave that smirk

"aw thanxs Blake, what about you James?"

"um the same as bake da. we are brothers." James said in his agravating saracasum.

the rest of lunch went pretty fast but i really didnt pay attention to the boys talking. the rest of the day went by fast and then in last period he showed up. the new guy or i think hes knew who knows. so i terned to ask Liam.

"hay Liam who is that?" i asked whispering trying not to be herd by anyone els

"um thats david. hes been here for like ever how do you not know him?" he said in the same whisper tone.

"um i gess im not that abserbent these days."

"well hes the on the foorball team, he sits with us at lunch, and hes the guy that all girls want and at the same time scared. because hes the guy that if you ow him its ganna be naked in the halls ow." he said and smirked like i was the ideot here.

omg it was David i know who he is know i hate that guy hes a total jerk no girl wants to ow him anything at all!


ok so what did yall think of it please comment on it to know if im on a good track. thanks. ill try to post evert week or less than that. =)

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