part 2

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“There all done!” Ariel and Liam say excitedly at the same time.

“Can I see now? It’s been 55 minutes of sitting down and my butt hurts and what did you put on me I can barely breathe.” I probably over reacted maybe just a little bit.

“You should be happy I did this for you. Otherwise tonight you might not get noticed because I know you would go in jeans and a big shirt. Am I right?” she asked with an eyebrow raised. “and it’s a corset, it helps with posture.”

“Yes your right. Now can I look?” I asked eyes big and a pouting lip.

“FINE! Go look you spoiled….” Ariel started speaking but I just took off towards were my full length mirror in the corner.

When I saw me I gasped. I look different but at the same time I look like me. If you get what I mean? I was in a dress that reached mid-thigh and the top half was white while the bottom was black and fluttered out a little I guess, with some lase black heels. My hair was curled to perfection and my makeup was a light but a little dark with blacks and grays giving a Smokey look that makes my blue eyes pop!

“Wow.” that’s all that I could get out.

“You look pretty Rosie. How do I look?” Liam asked as I turn to thank him.

“You look quite dashing Liam.” I said in a British accent.

“DRUM ROLL PLEASE!” Ariel yells from my walk in closet. So me and Liam start drumming on whatever furniture was near to use.

“TADA! What do u think?” Ariel asked strolling in. she wore a dress as well, but hers was blue at the top and black with thin strips of blue going across to side to side. Her dress was also mid-thigh. Her hair was half up half down in beautiful beach waves that looked great with her flaming red hair, her heels were solid black. She was stunning, she is so ganna have the guys drooling over her tonight.

“You look amazing.” Liam and I said at the same time.

“Well thanks now let’s go!” Ariel cheered and started strutting away towards the door to leave.

**************** 10 min later*****

The party was in full swing now and there was people out on the front lawn puking from drinking too much and other things. Once we walked into the house I got hit in the face with the smell of sweat and alcohol. There was a place for people to dance in the living room and the music blaring out of whoever house this is. We started walking to the kitchen when someone taped me on the shoulder.

“Hay there Rosie. Care to dance?” a tall husky voice asked. The guy was wearing a red shirt that hugged his defined chest and a black leather jacket with dark jeans. And the only one that look good with dark black hair and light blue eyes. David.

“ Just one dance ok David no funny bis-nis ok?’ I asked narrowing my eyes on him and he signed and nodded and dragged me to the dance floor.

“ I love what your wearing.” He smirked down at me which I just rolled my eyes at.

“What do u really want David?” I asked getting strait to the point.

“Oh nothing yet. But I will soon. U want to go get something to drink?”

“Sure” I answer on the way to the kitchen that had a black and white checker board pattern. We grabbed a bottle of beer then went in the back yard to sit on the patio. There were people that looked like couples slow dancing and making out.

“So who is your girlfriend for the week or the day?” I asked out of curiosity. David has a girl on his arm every day or week.

“ No one right now. Why you want to be?” he said with an eyebrow raised.

i hesitated for a second  “Omg yes I would love to!” I lied in a high pitched voice and the way his face lighten up was priceless.

“ Really?” he choked out. It was too funny I couldn’t resist laughing.

“N-o.” I Said in between laughs. “ I would never go out with you but your face was priceless!” and then I started laughing again and it started to hurt my stomach. But then I felt two hands on my wrist pulling me up and throwing me on their shoulder that I started to panic.

“PUT ME DOWN!” I screamed but after that everything came in a blur. I was off the shoulder to be replaced by freezing water all around me. I started trying to resurface the water but my dress and heavy jewelry are waying me down. Don’t get me wrong I know how to swim just not with heavy stuff on. I started to panic even more when I was running out of air. But then I felt to strong hands on my waist trying pulling me out of the pool. But before we got out I felt something hard hit my head and I blacked out.       

***David’s pov***

Once I threw her in I regretted it. I knew she could swim, but I forgot about all the stuff that she’s wearing is extra weight holding her down. I gave her a few seconds till I jumped in. I grabbed her waist and started swimming up but there was something in the water that was hard enough to knock her out so I started to panick and swam faster to the surface. Once I got her out she was out I couldn’t tell if she was breathing. Her friend, what’s her name Ariel I think came rushing over

“Oh my god do something!” she screamed I started to pound on her chest like to do CPR. But nothing was happening.

“She’s wearing a corset take it off of her! She can’t breathe!” I did know what it was but I’m sure it was stopping her air flow so I unzipped her dress from the side and saw the tight piece of clothing. I roughly tore it off revealing her in her lace black strapless bra. I reframed myself from looking at her exposed skin and started again with CPR. I had to get air to her lungs so I put my lips to her and started to blow. Within seconds she started coughing up water and hunching over.

Her friend came running over to help her. Someone came with a towel for Rose and she gladly took it. She took off the rest of her dress and raped her shaking self in the towel.

****ROSE POV****

I was freezing I can’t believe he just did that not only did he threw me into the pull but he almost striped me naked. And the bad part is that I didn’t care, and also I didn’t relised I was wearing a corset? But after that we just sat there and stared at each other.

“Look Rose I’m really sorry I wasn’t thinking and I’m just… sorry” David said in a hush voice but I knew he meant it. I got up and hugged him. He was stiff for a while but eventually hugged me back.

“You’re for given. Thanks for saving me too.”

“You’re welcome.” He said in a smile and at that moment the jerk player was gone, and I liked this side of him. “ And by the way your lips were really soft.” And then he was gone.

Ariel and I left after that. Liam stayed and got a ride from one of his friends. But on the way home all I could think is what if I was serious about dating David if he was the nice caring guy he was when he saved me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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