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Author's POV

It was the end of working hours a long time ago, around 10 PM right now. People at this time would usually be preparing to go to sleep and stuff. Some people who were working late were starting to wrap up and head back home. The people who have late-night shifts were starting to go to the places they work at.

Jin looked at the clock and sighed. He was working until late because there was something that was bugging him about one of the cases he was handling, so he was analysing all the reports and evidence included in the files. He took off his glasses and rubbed his temples. After that, he put his glasses back on and started wrapping up everything.

He closed all the files and kept them in a pile in the corner of his table so that he could look over them once again. After all of that was done, he took his long coat from the coat hanger and hung it on his forearm. He grabbed his bag and started heading out.

He got to the parking lot and went to his car. The man unlocked it and sat on the driver's seat. He put his bag and coat on the seat beside him. Right after that, Jin started driving out. The journey back to his house was silent, pin-drop silence. He had his usual poker face as he drove, but there were too many thoughts going across his mind, especially the question of how Namjoon got to know that he didn't have parents. Jin never told anyone about it. He never wanted to. But now Namjoon was the only person who knew about it. How, though?

Yes, Joon said that he was just guessing, but the way he said it, it sounded as if he was sure of it or he was already aware of the fact. And that's what bothered Jin. This man was already very suspicious of him.

First his extreme duality, then him being like this towards Jin, and at last, there was just something that Jin wanted to find out about him. Joon was like a puzzle to him and Jin wanted to solve him at any cost. The vibes that came out of him were what triggered this in Jin. He knew Namjoon wasn't exactly what he seemed to be like and even if he DID have a dark sinister side it was going to be way more than comprehendible and unexpected for anyone to see.

Jin parked in his car in his designated parking spot. He killed the engine of the car and with his things, he got out. He started heading towards the elevator area before locking his car and shoving his car key into his pocket. Jin quickly pressed the button for the elevator and got in it as it opened.

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