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Guess who's back from the dead!

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Guess who's back from the dead!

Guess who's back from the dead!

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Author's POV

Eyes close to bursting out, Jin nearly choked on his own spit when the 'birthday boy' urged his husband to try the supposedly delicious appetisers. What on earth was even going on?!

Flabbergasted, Jin silently notified his team about the incident while the host was speaking oh so loudly.

"Guys... unusual activity took place. 'A' has taken his supply while remaining in straight eye contact with me, even making his partner consume it. It looked like he was aware of something." His voice was nonchalant, but if you paid close attention, you could barely hear the shock.

It didn't take seconds before a written reply popped up from his screen. "Not a good sign."

"What do I do then?" It was becoming harder to mask his frustration and that's why Namjoon gave him a gentle squeeze on the shoulders. Silently saying, 'Calm the fuck down before you blow our cover.'

"I wouldn't recommend you get out of there, but you need to A.S.A.P. before the auction ends. Best if you leave first, Jul. Second course being served in 2 minutes sharp," Yoongi's voice muttered through both of their earpieces.

The said male looked at his partner, getting a nod as a response. It didn't take long before the room was once again bustling with waiters replacing everyone's plates with another course. It was already the second part of the auction out of the four.

With a gentle smile, he slid his chair backwards as his hand gently caressed his lover's back. "Excuse me, I'll be right back from the washroom."

Namjoon's gaze clashed with his, a natural grin following after him. "Don't be long." He whispered only for it to be audible to the taller.

The hidden wink hadn't gone unnoticed by the silent agent as he excused himself away to finish what he started. Blending with the crowd of hustling waiters in black, he dashed his way right in the direction of the bathroom, which would conviniently lead him towards the golden location.

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