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NOTE: This is where a very important segment of the book begins: the mission

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NOTE: This is where a very important segment of the book begins: the mission. And I wrote the entire thing through a series of very difficult writer's blocks, so it is going to be worse than my usual writing style. Therefore, I want you to bear through these few pain-taking chapters where it's just a bad thriller. Sorry about that; I hope you can understand! ^^

 Sorry about that; I hope you can understand! ^^

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Author's POV

Prachtvolles Morgenröte Schloss. The name's literal translation came from its original German name, which was 'Magnificent Dawn Palace'.

Just like its name suggests, the palace was made with the intention of fully displaying its beauty solely during the exquisite darkness of the night sky, which contrasted with the bright rays of the full moon.

Similar to the owners and location, the architecture of the palace was a selective fusion of the Korean and German styles. With both traditions combined, the grand entrance began with an intricate pattern filled with lotuses and dark green vines, which symbolised the Korean aspect of the place. And the outer face was characterised by a majestic German Baroque taste, which resulted in the building maintaining a detailed exterior fused with different shades and ornaments that were mounted with the purpose of glistening via the moonlight.

Over a hundred sub-areas were hidden inside the beautiful life-size art piece that stood in the most forest-surrounded and dense area of the city. Each room was crafted with care and close attention to detail. They were all secluded, with their own aura of mysterious secrets and unusual beauty. Perhaps it was the most appealing things that were the hardest to get through.

Over a hundred cars had passed by in front of the extraordinary banquet hall, pausing for the many celebrities, multi-millionaires, and phenomenal individuals that stepped out into the shuttering lights of cameras.

Being one of the biggest events of the year, the security was even tighter. Groups of gaurds on every floor of each separate building. A unique group of five buff guards would rotate around each important area every 2.5 minutes, especially the event venue, of course.

Everything was disguised so perfectly that even the leader of the National Security Team was struggling to locate his agents in plain sight. Every. Single. Detail was in the sight of at least 10 guards. Not a single corner of the palace was left ungaurded. Their every move was almost as unpredictable as a dice. Almost

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