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Author's POV

It was finally the evening when the meeting for the offered assassination would be happening. Yeah, Jin was seriously going to take this offer and eventually come out of his hiatus after nearly a year.

Jin drove to the given location of his boss's secret mansion which was far away from the central city and somewhere in a rural area amongst the plain fields and wild nature.

He would have brought his driver with him, one of his men whom he trusts with keeping the secret of the bloody locations he goes to. But Jin decided to drive by himself so he could experience a long drive after a while.

The entire ride was filled with constant serial killer podcasts that were playing in his sports car. It was 1 am at the moment so there was not a single car on the silent and dim road. Only the light of the moon and Jin's headlights were the things that were helping him see what was ahead of him on the pitch-black road.

The booming sound of the Lamborghini that was being produced due to the excessively high speed, soon hushed down as Jin finally started driving slightly uphill. It wasn't too dangerous because there weren't any sharp edges during the entire route up, unlike the roads that lead to Jin's own isolated mansions in the mountains. The roads there have sharp turns which can throw anyone off the mountain if the driver wasn't careful.

Jin luckily made his way up to a smooth straight road. And at the end of it, he could finally see the grand mansion gates waiting for him.

Just like that, when his car stopped in front of the gates, the guards checked him and his car for security measures. Afterwards, he drove into the pathway in front of the mansion building itself.

When his car stopped he got out of the red Lambo which was shining in all its glory due to the yellow wall lights of the mansion. The owner of the expensive beauty was more stunning than the car itself, actually. And how could he not be? He was Kim Seokjin, also phenomenal for his godly looks amongst many people. Over the years, the man had been contacted so many times by modelling agencies. But he declined them due to not wanting to become a model which could make many pestering fans interrupt his introverted life.

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