Chapter Four

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         Most would call me an idiot. Hell, I would call me an idiot. I was currently in a car, blindfolded, riding down the road with a guy that I have known all of three days. Did I mention that I was blindfolded? Yet, I felt completely safe.

         We were in a comfortable silence with Paramore softly playing in the back. I hummed along to The Only Exception but my interest in the song was quickly waning. "Kellen, how much longer do I have to wear this damned blindfold," I complained.

         "Language, young lady! No, I'm just kidding, but you won't have to wear it much longer, we are almost there," he said and I huffed, sitting back in my seat. He chuckled quietly at my pouting expression no doubt. Finally, we came to a stop and he helped me out of the truck. He took my blindfold off and what I saw wasn't really what I was expecting. Knowing Kellen, I thought that it would probably be another secret hide away, but nope. It was just the old wheat field that I always walked in.

         "Um, Kellen, I hate to burst your bubble, but I come here all the time," I said and he nodded with a small smile on his face.

         "Have you ever been past the field?"

         "Well, no, but what reason would I have, it's just woods back there."

         "And that is where you are wrong. Come on," he said and pulled a blanket out of the backseat of his car. He took my hand and pulled me along behind him.

         We took the long way around the field. As we walked underneath the trees, Kellen didn't say much about where we were going and every time that I would try and ask him, he would just say to be patient and trust him. Eventually I just gave up and started chattering to him about different things that didn't really matter. He responded politely and I didn't even notice that we had made it through the woods. "Wow," I said as I looked around and realized that my initial thought about where he was taking me wasn't that far off the mark after all.

         In front of me wasn't what I was expecting. What I was expecting, I'm not sure but this sure wasn't this. Just inside the trees, was a small circle made by the trees. A pale red farm house sat in the middle. I let go of his hand and walked over to the porch. Across the wooden door, the name JOHNSEY was carved out. "Oh my gosh," I said and Kellen walked over to me.

         "I know, right. I found it on my first....uh, visit here," he said and I looked at him, slightly suspicious, but I brushed it off. "Do you want to go inside?"

         "Sure," I said and walked inside after him. The inside of the house was dusty, but still in tact. The ceilings were high and it looked to be stiled in the mid to late fifties. Kellen wanted to go upstairs, but they didn't look the safest, so we stayed downstairs.

         He spread out the blanket and we sat down near the couch and just talked. After a while, it started getting dark and Kellen started to drive me home. As we got into the car we continued talking. "You know, Rose is a little insulted that you haven't been back to the Hav- um house."

         "Yeah, tell her that I'd be glad to come back anytime," I said and smile shyly at him. He smiled back and we were quiet the rest of the ride to my house, again listening to Paramore. In the quiet, my mind wondered back to the library at school and the Angel thing. I mean, most of the characteristics fit him, but he doesn't have wings. Yeah. He would totally have to have wings. That fact right there would put anyone else off of the thought, but not me. I just kept coming back to it.

         Before I knew it, we were in front of my house. He parked the car and started walking me to the door. When I got there, he told me goodnight and I reached for the knob, but I couldn't bring myself to turn it. "Kellen?"

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