The Violinist

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Shinichi took deep breaths as she took her violin out of her case with nervous hands. This was it. Her footsteps made steady echos as she walked on stage. Upon seeing her, people stared and whispered. Some said things like "Oh! She's so pretty!" Others, "Isn't she that famous high school detective and very known violinist? Some people just get all the luck."

In Shinichi's high held opinion, it was not luck. In fact it was a curse that she had to run into so many dead bodies, the least she could do is bring the killers to justice. And then there was the violin. For some reason when she played, she felt free from death and no dead bodies came forth. It was her good luck charm. Her savior from all the evil things that threaten her sanity. It reminded her there was good in life and not the gruesome, bloody bodies she was always seeing. It was her outlet. Her passion. Well, besides detective work and chasing after dangerous psychopaths. But those were two very different things.

Poising her violin against her shoulder and angling her head to the side. She bowed to the crowd and they were instantly silent. Her formal dress fluttered elegantly as she posed herself straight in one fluid motion. Her nervousness slowly began to leave her when she positioned her instrument and started to play. Immediately, everyone was entranced.

The notes she played; critics would later comment on, sounded majestic. It was almost like they weren't in the theater anymore. Instead the people listening found themselves taking a surprise trip down memory lane. It was oddly refreshing how the music started off calm and collected before moving into a more bittersweet outcome. It was even weirder when the people listening started to be emotionally affected. It was almost like they were reliving their lives right then and there.

Yes, critics would later say, it was refreshing. Exhilarating. And all the above.

The next song she played was a happier beat. Shinichi herself decided to play it as she remembered all her happier memories. Unsurprisingly to her and surprisingly to the audience, the song was rather short. Shinichi's mind reluctantly admitted that she didn't have many happy memories. There were only so many sunsets with her best friend and a couple outings with her parents that she really ever enjoyed. Her parents themselves were a bitter yet loveable subject. She loved them with all her heart, she really did. But what kind of parents in their right minds would leave their 14 year old daughter to face the world alone? Well, in their defense, Shinichi didn't they were in their right mind.

Her mother Yukiko was quite eccentric, her father the same in a different yet calm way. Remembering her parents made the song drift into a more lovable and at the same time, sad tune. She really did miss them. She sometimes wished they visit more. Soon her mind drifted off to Agasa Hakase.

She remembered all the mischievous yet helpful inventions and blown out experiments as her playing became a lighter, happy child-like melody. She poured out all of her feelings into the music and left her, and the crowd breathless.

Everyone stared silently at her for a few minutes as Shinichi was trying to put a handle to her overflowing emotions. When she was under control again, she bowed and left the stage, clapping and shouting followed her. She couldn't help but smile at her new gained fans from behind the curtain. Some had even thrown roses. As she smiled softly down at her violin, she didn't notice a person coming up to her until he voiced out his thoughts.

"That was amazing!" The young man said in a cheerful voice. Shinichi jolted, startled. She sighed in relief when she turned around and it was only some guy. And not some stalking sociopath. Well, he could be. But Shinichi seriously doubted that. This man looked like he couldn't hurt a fly. Yet, if her many years at detective work had taught her anything, she was well aware of how looks could be deceiving.

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