The Magician

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The Magician:

Kaito wasn't sure what he was doing when he approached Shinichi after her performance. It was like he had no mind and his feet were doing all the thinking themselves. But that was silly, his brain concluded instantly. Feet don't think. Nor do they have brains for that matter. He supposed he approached her because of his appreciation for her music when she had played that violin of hers. He won't lie, it was absolutely breathtaking and Meitantei-San happened to look extra amazing tonight. Or perhaps it was because he was concerned about the more morbid and sad parts of the music.

He didn't know, and didn't really care anymore if he was going to be completely honest. He was just extremely happy that he and Meitantei-San could be friends. Especially with his civilian identity. He was quite surprised though. He never knew she could play the violin.. He vaguely wondered what else his dear little critic was hiding up her sleeve. He gave himself a mental shrug as he walked onto the stage and grinned at the crowd. It didn't matter anyways, he'd soon find out. He'd make it his business to find out. And before you accuse him of being nosy, Kaito objects. It's merely curiosity.

He made a swooping bow to the crowd ad they cheered loudly. Many of them knew Kaito's reputation as a magician. It had been growing rapidly over only the span of a few weeks, much like Shinichi's. He couldn't be honored anymore than he felt. His father had performed here, many times Kaito recalled. It was reserved only for the best of blooming talents. To think he would be performing here now, he'd only hope his father would be proud.

"Ladies and Gentleman!" He exclaimed, his hands thrust out to his sides as he addressed the audience. He shot a subtle glance to the side, knowing his Meitantei-Chan was watching. He wondered how many KID like clues he could drop before she'd break down in realization. He smiled amusingly with a hint of fondness. "Welcome to a truly magical night!" The cheers only got louder making the magician smirk. He was going to go all out.

The whole stadium, was engulfed in smoke that spread out like fog among the audience. It happened fast. Kaito used his speed, agility, and accuracy to his advantage as he used his grappling-hook and jumped up onto one of the support beams, then with 'magic' (or the supply of hats Kaito hid prior to the show) Kaito had the all the black top hats he supplied on the heads of everyone in the audience. 4.5 seconds. He smirked, new record.

Everyone in the audience blinked at the extra weight on their head when the smoke finally cleared. Kaito smirked, he even managed to get his little critic. And she happened to be looking right at him from his spot on the support beam. He chuckled. It was really hard to trick that girl. Oh well, all the more fun.

The crowd looked around the room for the magician. Some of them were holding their new hats while others just kept them on with delightful smiles. Kaito put his own hat on, crouching down like a cat. The wires he connected to himself held him up seemingly through midair as he made his way to the middle of the audience, hovering over their heads. He smirked and snapped his fingers.

The reaction was instantaneous as a light beam shown towards him, giving away his location. All eyes were drawn towards his supposedly suspended body. A couple of people gasped while others clapped loudly. Shinichi gave him a smirk and he returned it with a smug smile. He practically radiated confidence.

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