Bitchassness Part 2

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The class sat there in shock at three things the first being they learn that two of Izuku's family members are top ten heroes, two being the fact that his father is the number one villain AFO which put most of the class on guard a little but also at ease after hearing him say that he will put him in jail and three being Iida's discriminatory outburst towards Izuku for what his quirk is, this also left Katsumi who knew Izuku the longest to be a little surprised for Izuku's outburst back towards Iida.

Iida: See! My point is proven, even your father is a monster!

Izuku: Just you wait Iida the moment I get to throw you off a cliff I will take it if you keep your shit going the way it is.

Iida: See this is wha-

Iida froze in place as he saw what appeared to be multiple faces looking straight at him as if they staring through his soul. After what felt like to be forever but was merely a few seconds in reality Iida shut up and sat down shaking trying to figure out what he just saw.

Izuku walks up to Iida and slowly bends down to face level as the rest of the class stares at Iida who is still shaking.

Izuku: What is it Iida tell me why are you shaking oh so suddenly it looks as if you've seen a ghost.

Iida: J-J-Just what is g-going on inside your mind!

izuku lowers his voice but still speaks loud enough so everyone can still hear him.

Izuku: The answer to your question is Hell, Tenya Iida. Now that we are done with introductions I'm going to head to lunch.

As Izuku walks out of the classroom the bell rings letting them know that it's time for lunch.

Aizawa: Well that's the lunch bell you all know what to do and get out of here quickly so I can sleep you waste of space!   And also in one week we are going to the USJ so be prepared to do some major training.

The class quickly left the room and went to lunch to eat but once they got their lunch and sat down, they noticed that Midoriya wasn't there.

Mina: Hey guys where's Midoriya?

Iida: Who cares! The monster probably left in shame of his quirk I mean think about it he turns into literal monsters, why should we care about a monster anyways?

Momo: Iida as true as it is about his quirk he is not a monster Iida, because if he was then you would've gotten more than just a scare.

Iida: Why are you supporting him?! It doesn't matter or not! His quirk is villainous by how he acts!

Katsumi: Shut it four eyes I've known the need since childhood and doesn't care what people say to him but if it's about his quirk or his friends and family then you have already signed your death warrant.

Iida: Are you threatening me peasant?!

Katsumi: No I'm telling you that as a person who has seen firsthand what Izuku did to a villain after he blew up his house and seriously injured his mom, the villain was not given even a single chance to properly respond and left him to All might and Endeavor after they arrived too late to make it to the battle. So yeah please tell us how you think that you can ever win against Izuku in anything, because if you think that then you're just stupid.

Iida: Just wait till I win against him because I know I will win.

Everyone in the class sitting at that table looked at him like he was stupid and just continued eating till lunch was over.

Meanwhile, Izuku is roaming the school hallways.

Izuku: Man why is it so boring here in the school?

Suddenly the alarm went off in the school.

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