💜Judging criteria💜

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This is for judges so they can score the books by these criteria.

We have different criteria for :
1. Prose ( All genres except poetry)
2. Poetry

This is a guide on what to score and how to give points, please follow it, thank you :D
Also, instead of writing a big review, you will just give constructive criticism and compliments on the aspects you liked
You can explain specifically why you had given points that you'd given :)

These are what the scores represent :

5 points -- Great/ just well done

4 points -- Very good with small remarks

3 points -- Overall decent, but can be better

2 points -- Has both good and bad elements to it

1 point -- Bad, needs to be heavily worked on

Please don't gatekeep that 5 point score like it's reserved for only classics or what do I know. If a book is great at a certain area, just give it 5 points :D

Now, the area's you will be judging :

1.] Prose (All genres except poetry)

---- Cover [ 5 points ]

Is it eye catching, original, well designed and does it fit the genre and the book overall?

---- Title [5 points]

Is it memorable, unique and does it fit the book?

---- Blurb [5 points]

Does it hook the reader in? Give away too much information or just enough?

---- Opening hook (first half of first chapter) [5 points]

Did it intrigue you and made you want to read more? Or was it dragging?

---- Narration (5 points)

Did you like the way author handles narrating the story? Did it flow well or was it choppy?

----- Grammar, punctuation, quotation, spelling (5 points)

Is it good overall? Do mistakes damage your reading experience?

(For 5 points, you can have some mistakes made, but very little amount of them)

----- Plot or theme (5 points)

Is it interesting? Does it develop and keeps you reading?

For 1 chapter works you rate how potential is the concept presented.

----- Characters (5 points)

Are they unique, have their own characters voices and clear personalities ? Or are they bland and one-note?

For 1 chapter stories rate how potential presented character(s) are/is.

-----Characters interactions (5 points)

How well are they done? Are the character relationships interesting in the story?

For 1 chapter stories rate this if interaction happened, if not, rate the lead character's thoughts or monologue.

----- Descriptions (5 points)

Are they neat without info-dumping a lot? Do they help you imagine the setting and characters better?

----- Dialogue (5 points)

Do all characters speak the same or can you differentiate who is speaking? Is the dialogue natural or fitting with the tone of the story?

---- Writing style (5 points)

Is it unique and fitting with the story itself? Do you enjoy the words author chooses or sentences they create?

----- Originality (5 points)

Is the work original or twisting overused tropes in a new way? Or is the idea perhaps too unimaginative?

----- Creativity and personal touch (5 points)

Can you sense author's passion for their work? Does it stick out in some way?

----- Your enjoyment (10 points)

This is self explanatory, now rate the story out of 10 of how much did you personally enjoy it.

Total Score : /80 ((Maximum 80 points))

------Review part (write) :

1. Do you have any constructive criticism to give to the author?

2. What did you enjoy the most in their book and why?

3. Do you have any favorite character or scene? If so, write them in this review!

2.) Poetry ( criteria will be sent directly to the judge for this category)

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