Burnt Beyond All Recognition

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Y/N's Pov I ran out of Mr. Whites's office seeing three security guards fighting men in white masks, I fired all six shots killing the men with the masks "Run, or you will be next." the security guards had no reason to be told twice and began running away, I continued following the sound of the gunfight reloading along the way. eventually, I found my way to a room full of gas lines...and I got a devilish idea. I walked out of that room with a grin on my face, I stripped my shirt just in case. If I burnt myself I did not want my shirt to melt to my flesh, I had the Flamethrower out and ready and the revolver in my hand prepared to kill. Eventually, I found myself behind an advancing group of people in white masks. I grinned "combustible e osíxeno, a combinación perfecta"(fuel and oxygen, the perfect combination) The group turned to face me as a rumble went through the building, I grinned as my plan had worked "Put your hands up and take that...thing off of your arm bef-" The man was cut off as a spout of fire blew out of the wall engulfing half of his team in fire, the screams gave me an ecstatic glee as I shot him in the head. I laughed like a madman as more and more holes were blown in the depressurized gas line, and the hallway I was in became an inferno.  I continued my path eventually finding Harry's team pinned down as the girl was ripped out of her imprisonment by the man in the grey mask, I raised the revolver toward him before shouting "Put the girl down or you will lose your head!" the man turned to face me holding the girl in a death grip "Even a pyromaniac should know the mistake of making threats when they are surrounded. Now put the gun down before-" I was done listening and pulled the trigger, but the gun...it didn't fire? I took cover as the bullets began to fly tossing the useless revolver down. I looked around seeing four of Harry's men...The doctor, the interrogator, some short guy, and a woman with green hair. I realized I only had one chance to make it out of this situation "COVER ME!" I shouted over the gunfire as I hopped out of cover and raised my arm while lifting my wrist, I felt a burst of heat wash over me as my enemies were covered in a potent mix of burning kerosene and acetylene. I hopped back into cover quickly hearing my mixture do its work "what in the hell was that? I saw you jump over and then I saw the fucking sun!" the short man said rubbing his eyes "That's what chemistry gets you! now please can you finish them off!" This seemed to get to him as he stood up firing at our aggressors, eventually, it was safe and I got up. "I don't know what you did...but it worked." I heard the doctor say as I looked at the burnt corpses, "Arde no inferno" (burn in hell) I spoke as I spat on the corpses "what do we do now, the girl was taken again!" I heard the short one say, but I was already walking towards a man that was still breathing "Where are they taking the girl." I spoke calmly as I placed the flamethrower nosel into the man's mouth "You have three seconds before it gets really hot." I heard the man moan in pain as he sat up "Siberia...the girl is going to Novosibirsk Siberia. please kill me, it hurts." I stood up " I'll kill you, just not slowly." I fired a blast of flame into his face as he began screaming in undeniable pain, the smell of smoke filled my lungs as I smiled "Shes going to Siberia, Novosibirsk Siberia to be exact."

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