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Y/N awoke slowly with a blinding pain in his head, he could feel restraints restricting his movement. the memories swept back into his brain uninvited as he realized what he had done. Y/N grimaced as a pain swept through his head, this did not go unnoticed as a doctor rushed over.

"Shit kid you're finally awake." the doctor said removing the gag from my mouth "that was just a precaution, we didn't want you biting your tongue off." I looked at the number of belts restraining me "Why....what did I do...I, in the shower?" The doctor looked at my vitals before writing something down "You were banged up bad when you showed up here...all you had was this note," the doctor removed the restraints before handing me the note "We had you restrained because you, well while you where out you managed to break one of the security guys noses so...it was a just precaution" I nodded sitting up grabbing the note, I couldn't guess why I was in a civilian hospital so I just opened the note and read

'Y/N, you did well on your first mission but this? you caused damage to yourself and our property, you have become a liability and as such we have removed you from the program. There is no coming back, you cannot return or you will be neutralized. The same goes for spreading any program activities, you may want to run. the doctor will have called the police by now.

Sincerely, Harry'

I looked up at the doctor, studying him before speaking "What did you do?" He stepped back "You're a wanted man Hephaestus, better yet there is a price on your head." he grabbed a needle but he was too slow, I charged in knocking the needle away before he injected me. "You fucked up doctor." I slammed my foot into his crotch before slamming my fist into his face, he tumbled into a table unconscious. I grabbed the glasses off of him popping the lenses out before putting them on, I quickly hid the doctor and took his clothes putting them on (leaving his coat). I looked at the window noticing I was on the first floor. I opened the window stepped out, and ran into the town as I saw several squad cars pull up to the hospital. I slowed down as I reached the main street, I recognized the town...a friend was nearby. I walked into a nearby pub stopping at the bartender "what would you like sir?" I looked at him "I want to see your boss." he scoffed "the manager is not here now, what did I do anyway?" I leaned against the bar "Your other boss, Martin." he sighed before opening the bar "go where you want Hephaestus." I nodded before walking into the basement of the bar. I walked into the storage room hearing a voice echoing through the vents "Imagine my bloody surprise when you enter my home...Hephaestus, a surprise indeed." I smirked "Martin I need help, I was pardoned for all my crimes for a single day and now I'm screwed. I need work, and quick." the voice chuckled "Aye laddie, that you do! I have work, but it's the bloody kind." I sat down grabbing a bottle of beer from a crate "Do tell Martin, bloody jobs are my favorite kind." a self of wine moved outward opening a secret door "It's an Intel job, but I fear there is competition" Martin walked out of the door. He had long grey hair and a body covered in scars. "You need to make sure we get the intel so I can sell it." I nodded opening my beer "Thats...Possible, who is the competition?" I took a long swig of beer waiting for an answer "Some bloody hippies called the white masks or something." I sputtered my drink all over the floor "That may be a problem." I said

Arsonist Flare (R6 x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now