A Warm Embrace

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I understand that I recently began the voice of death, but I feel an inert pull toward this story draft. Anyway, I will not keep you waiting,

"Fire is the test of gold; adversity, of strong men." 

Martha Graham

Y/N was young when he first noticed fires beauty, his father had started a bonfire late one winter day and all Y/N could remember was staring into the fire till it was a shambling mound of coals. At age six Y/N loved to start and watch fire's sweet dance, he felt a pull toward the flames as he grew older. When Y/N moved schools he was quickly authorized from the community, Bullys would always comment on how he smelt like smoke or how thin he was. This story begins one morning in September when Y/N finally decided to act.


My alarm woke me up at its usual time, I rolled over and turned it off. I was unable to stop the sigh that left me as I got up and looked at the date, today would be the bonfire party...the one day I get to do something remotely interesting but that would be ruined by the people from school, I decided to get dressed early and get my breakfast before walking to school. I arrived at school late for the second time this week, I could not drive here or take the bus so I was stuck walking till the week was over. I entered the school ready to get messed with, I was heading to class when Raymond the school football star stepped out in front of me. "Hey yo! Sorry bout' that smokey." he began to laugh at my new nickname but I just continued walking without looking back. The school day was over quickly and without any difficulty, I walked out of the school with the crowd before getting knocked down the stairs by someone. I immediately heard laughing surround me as I looked up seeing Raymond. "Sorry, smokey didn't see you there, definitely smelled you though!" That comment made everyone laugh, I stood up before wiping the blood from my nose. "Man fuck you Ramond," I said under my breath, he heard it though. I couldn't stop him as his fist connected with my jaw "That's what you get smokey!" he laughed at my discomfort. I stood up and just walked away, the only good thing about today was the bonfire.


I stopped reading my book casting a glance at my clock, I smiled...Bonfire time. Even though my school did not do prom this bonfire was treated as one so I tried to dress the part. I dressed in a nice white button-up and dress pants, I put on my father's dress shoes before tieing a black tie around my throat. I walked out of my house towards the small plot where the bonfire would take place when I arrived everyone was there and the fire was lit. for the first time in a long while I smiled a true smile, I walked over and grabbed a beer taking a drink. The fire was beautiful and large, the smell was magnificent. I walked closer to the fire before hearing someone shout "Hey smokey! Fancy seeing you here, you're dressed nice!" I heard the idiot shout, I did not listen as I grabbed a stick that had not been lit. I pressed the tip into the fire watching the fire lick across the surface of the wood "Hey, TWIG I'M TALKING TO YAH!" I ignored Raymond watching the fire, but I felt anger well up in me "SMOKEY LOOK A-" I cut him off by swinging the fire-laden stick into his face "SHUT  UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed into the night air before moving the torch over burning Raymond's face more, he began screaming out in pain as I saw his ear fuse to his already singed face. I smiled before using my stick to knock the coals from the fire down covering him in white-hot charcoal, I smiled a sick twisted grin "Fires a dangerous mistress, don't misuse her warm embrace" I began laughing like a maniac as Ramond got up in immense pain, I swung my torch into his head killing him immediately. I looked up seeing everyone running away from me...good. I smiled looking over towards the fire, this was fun.

(Harry)Six's POV

I sat down with the file I had been working so hard to get, The file had everything known about a man called Hephestus. Someone with an interesting track record, Someone I would like to meet. I opened the file taking a brief look, "Age: unknown...Name: unknown, what do we know about this guy?" I found myself talking into the air, and eventually, I found what I needed. Known to operate out of Genom food co office in NYC. I pressed the intercom button "I need everyone in Wolfguard into my office."

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