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Things that will be in the story:

There will be swearing, blood, gore, etc. If you watched the show this will be no problem

Maybe smut (won't promise anything)

This text will be used to show her talking in her grounder language

This text will be used for a flashback/dream

Casting List

Lexa's Second
Older sister of Lexus
S/O: Loki(Dead)
Grounder: The Woods Clan

LexaAge:19Heda/Commander of the 12 clansYounger sister of ReynaS/O: Costia(Dead)Grounder: The Woods clanNightblood

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Heda/Commander of the 12 clans
Younger sister of Reyna
S/O: Costia(Dead)
Grounder: The Woods clan

LexaAge:19Heda/Commander of the 12 clansYounger sister of ReynaS/O: Costia(Dead)Grounder: The Woods clanNightblood

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S/O: Reyna
Died from: Arrow to the head
Grounder: The Woods Clan

Loki(Dead)Age:24S/O: ReynaDied from: Arrow to the headGrounder: The Woods Clan

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Age: Unknown
S/O: Lexa
Died: Decapitated
Grounder: The Woods Clan

Costia(Dead)Age: UnknownS/O: LexaDied: Decapitated Grounder: The Woods Clan

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Everyone else is the same character they played in the show.

A/N- I will probably be posting the first chapter in the next week or so

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A/N- I will probably be posting the first chapter in the next week or so

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