Cinnamon Tea Recipe:
-1/3 honey jam
-Organic leemonns from the grave yard, took it in the evening.
-1 Cinnamon stick( optional)
- 2 cups of water
-2 thinly slices ginger rootVoila! Don't forget to give testimony of the taste🤏

Sweet Spooky Halloween
FanfictionApa yang terpikirkan setiap mendengar kata halloween? Permen? Labu? Sihir? Makhluk Mistis? Parade hantu? Tengkorak? Grim Reaper, dan masih banyak lagi. Berbagai macam cerita seputar halloween akan disuguhkan, silakan menanti~ [Akan ada revisi bab se...
(23) Cinnamon Delight
Cinnamon Tea Recipe:
-1/3 honey jam
-Organic leemonns from the grave yard, took it in the evening.
-1 Cinnamon stick( optional)
- 2 cups of water
-2 thinly slices ginger rootVoila! Don't forget to give testimony of the taste🤏