Part Zero- intro

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It was a beautiful day, Delphine was simply out minding her own business. The sun was high in the sky, the cloud plump and fluffy looking, she smiled. Days like today reminded her that there is good in the world. She walked into her favorite coffee shop, the bell on the door giving a small ring as the familiar smells entered her nose.

"Bonjour Delphine!" The young man greets her as she approaches the counter.

"Bonjour." She stated simply. She always tried to keep her words to herself, quiet and reserved is the easiest way she'd made it through life so far. She ordered her coffee, and found a seat near the front windows. She spent more time looking out, watching unfamiliar faces pass by, she wondered about their story, their lives. Were they better than hers? Or worse?

Not enough time to ponder, her order was ready. She stood and made her way to the young man once more, as she walked, things started to feel different.

It no longer smelled strongly of espresso, and the lights flickered quickly, causing her to shield her eyes. Stopping in the middle of the small store, she looked at the man, whose face seemed to have disappeared, she could hear him speak, but she could not understand, everything was muffled. What was happening to her?

Suddenly as it happened, it was over. She blinked tears out of her eyes and continued, acting as if it hadn't even happened. She looked into the man's eyes and saw a bright flash of pale pink, and then she was gone.

When she awoke, she found herself in both a green forest and a dry desert. Lifting herself by her shaking arms, she took in everything around her. She lay atop a bright blue line that seemed to rip through the metal around it. She stood after a while, breathing in the hot air and dusting off her now-tatered clothing. She looked at both biomes, seeing them labeled.

"Alpha et Omega..." She mumbled, finding herself with a choice to make. Well, would you choose a man who presents as an Alpha or an Omega? She huffed, walking into the lush forest of the Alpha side.

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