(Ch 1) Arlo's existence

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"Mommy! Mommy!" a four year old kid yelled out from the patio of an old villa located in the middle of a farm yard.

"OMG! Arlo! Where have you been? I've been so worried sick looking for you! Ano ka ba namang bata ka! Are you alright?" the mother of the child rapid fired the questions at her kid.

"Mommy, I went to the secret garden lang po. You know who I met there? The VP, mom! The VP is here at tata Pi's farm. But why does she know of the secret garden, mom? You said only family knows of the place and we don't tell other people where it's at, right?"

"PATRICIA! Mag-usap tayo," the woman yelled out, "Arlo, tata Pi and mom will just have an adult conversation. Please go up to your room. Yaya Helen should be waiting for you. Let her help you with your ligo. Ang dungis mo."

"Okay, mom," the kid responded and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek before he proceeded to go upstairs while calling out to his yaya.

Patricia, or mostly known as Pia to her family, immediately tended to her sister's call. She knew what this conversation was going to be about.

"Yes ate?" she innocently asked her older sister, "what's the matter?"

"What's the matter? I think you know what the matter is," the woman said as she looked at her younger sister.

"Drey, she's been coming here for God knows how long. Nakikita namin siya sa surveillance cams but we didn't think it was necessary for us to approach her or tell her off. She's definitely done no harm whatsoever. She just comes here and sits bythe secret garden every now and again. Wala namang problema sa amin ni Rwin 'yun. Besides, kayong dalawa ang may issue. Labas naman kaming mag-asawa dun, right?"

"Pi, I understand and it's fine. Nauunawaan ko naman ang stand point mo. But... she met Arlo today. Arlo is mostly enamored by her. The kid adores her so much. He's a huge fan. Alam mo naman 'yun di ba? Can it not be just that? 'Yung from afar na lang sana. Ngayong magkakilala na sila, ang lagay ba hahayaan ko na lang sila maging close? Inilayo ko si Arlo sa kanya because I didn't want him to know her. Tapos ngayon, ito?"

"Ate, tadhana na ang nagdidikta. Whatever you do, hindi mo pwedeng ipagkait si Arlo kay ate Luchie. Anak niyo si Arlo. Minahal niyo ang isa't isa kaya kayo nagdesisyon na mabuo si Arlo. Hindi lang siguro expected na before you even knew Arlo existed, you've already decided to part ways. People grow apart and that is understandable but you have a child together and I think you need to make amends for his sake," Pia said as she patted her sister's shoulder, "I need to get back to the kitchen."

Drey just nodded as she pondered on what her younger sister said. She was left in the patio alone before she decided to head in and follow Arlo upstairs.

Unbeknownst to her, Luchie was watching from a distance. Luchie was actually the one who walked young Arlo back home to the villa. She just told the kid that she had to go and didn't have the time to walk him in, which the kid so innocently believed. Luchie didn't hear any of the conversation that has transpired between Arlo and Drey as well as Pia and Drey -- she was far too distant to do so. It seems like her vision went on auto-focus as all she saw was Drey and she couldn't be more joyous about that.

It has been five years since she last saw her and to her, she still looks as beautiful as ever. Nothing changed. Yes, perhaps it is true that time has passed them by, but it did not seem to have an effect on Drey. She's still graceful as she ever were. When Drey entered the villa, Luchie decided to leave the premises as well.

Once Drey was upstairs, she entered her bedroom first. She sat on the bed as her tears fell.

Was she too headstrong to keep Arlo away from Luchie for the past four years? Actually, scratch that, for the last five! She didn't even let Luchie know that the IVF treatment was ultimately successful and that she was bearing their child.

Was she too selfish for not telling Luchie that Arlo existed? Or the other way around, that she didn't tell Arlo who Luchie really was in his life?

Or perhaps she was selfless enough not to burden Luchie with the responsibility of co-parenting Arlo when clearly love is lost between them two?

As Drey thought of this, a loud sob escaped her. Almost a cry for help. She was so torn and so conflicted about the decisions she's made for the last five years. Was she even doing the right thing by Arlo? And to an extent, was she being fair to Luchie?

Was their love really lost or did they she just let Luchie drift away without pulling her back in?

As Drey drowned in these thoughts, she heard faint knocks by her door. She immediately wiped her tears and fixed herself up.

"Mommy, mommy! Tata Pi said lunch is ready na po. Let's eat na po, mommy," Arlo called out to her.

"Y-yes, Arlo, honey. Mom's coming."

"Ate Issa and ate Irah are both here too, mommy! Hurry up na po, please?"

"I'm here na. Let's go?" Drey said as she opened the door and held Arlo's tiny hand, as he lead her down the stairs.

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