Chapter 3

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(Outfits for the Chase)

The time had come. This was it.

Ayla and Ellie had gone back to the betas house to get ready, as guests would be arriving at the alphas house; guests they couldn't be around until tonight when the Chase begins.

It was mid-afternoon now, and the girls who were participating in the Chase tonight were all starting to arrive at the betas house to get ready. Ayla and Ellie had just gotten out of the shower, re priming and buffing and shaving any bits they had missed. Now with wet hair and in just robes they were waiting for the other girls to arrive, as the alpha and betas daughters of the hosting pack they would have to get ready themselves but also help anyone who needed a hand.

Quickly drying their hair before it would frizz they waited, just as they finished there was a knock on Ellie's bedroom door and the familiar voice of her Mon came through.

"The girls are here sweetie, can I send them in?"

"Yeah, Mom."

The door creaked open and 10 unfamiliar girls walked in with dress bags and bags of their stuff in hand.

Ellie smiled at the girls from her seat in the bed while Ayla stood to greet them after Ellie's Mother left, closing the door behind her.

"Well, it's lovely of you all to come and I wish you all the best! But, there's no time to waist so let's get ready."

With that the future Luna smiled warmly at the girls and they all started moving, hanging their dressed and Unzipping the bag to reveal them.

Ellie stood first and moved towards one vanity.

"Right, five girls with me and five with Ayla."

Ellie pointed at Ayla as she said her name before continuing.

"Then just tell us what you want, which your dress is and what you want us to do or do yourself."

They began getting all of the girls to look how they wanted and made sure no one wore any perfume, which would affect their sent. Once all the girls were ready they began to ready themselves and help each other.

Ayla wore a shimmery draped strappy mini dress in a champagne color with black heels, shimmery gold eyeshadow, heavy mascara and eyeliner with a natural face and a dark nude lipstick with shimmery nails. Her brown hair was loosely curled and she looked effortlessly glamorous.

Ellie was the compleat opposite in many ways, her red strapless dress reaching just above her knees and white heels with silver eye shadow, winged eyeliner, heavy mascara and red lips with white nails to match the shoes. Her hair was straightened and long down her back, she looked sleek.

And then they were all ready. There was nothing left to do but go to the area of the Chase.

They began to scatter themselves around, as to not mix there sent with anyone else's and wait for the males to come and the Chase to begin.

Once Ayla had given all the she wolves enough time and she herself was ready she mind linked her Dad, to start the games.

"Daddy, I'm ready. Maybe."

The panic was starting to set into Ayla and her dad could tell in the way she spoke, using daddy as she had when she was little or scared.

"Okay princess, calm and collected, more males then we thought have come, there's 37. So don't worry, just relax and follow your instincts."

Ayla started calming herself down, following the Alpha's instructions and heard the loud chime that signified the males were in position.

And three, two, one, the second chine rang to tell the males to start Chasing.


Ayla could feel her heart beat pick iPad she started moving, not running but faster then walking. She glided through the trees, touching them as she went and leaving a trail, moving side to side and not trying to move to far, moving but she wasn't adding distance fast. She didn't even know if anyone was after her yet.

Feral growls and howls started to come from somewhere far away. The first mate had been found. Ayla was lost in thought thinking which if the girls it could be. She hoped Ellie.

However she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a low growl coming from nearby as she continued weaving through the trees.

She could hear more growls now coming from farther away but she was more focused on the one near by.

They she smelt him. Woody with a citric hint, like sweet lime but muskier.

She herd a snap behind her of something underfoot and Ayla turned.

The man behind her was perfect. Muscly and buff with lightly tanned skin, brown hair and mesmerising green eyes.

Something clicked in her and she needed him.


The word was growled out by the man and her lips parted in wonder and the rough sound of his voice, she was his already.

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