Chapter 7

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[Ayla's POV]

I woke up the next morning to the sound of deep rumbling from beside me. Louka had managed to tangle me with his body so I'm partially underneath him and can't get out.

"Mine... My mate... Mine mine mine..."

Ayla rolled her eyes, even asleep he was like this.


Suddenly Louka shot up with Ayla in his arms and began running his hands all over her, smelling her and looking intently all over her.

"Louka what are you doing?"

"You're okay."

He nodded to himself before starting to lay them both back down, now with her on top of him.

"What the hell?"

"I thought you were hurt, but you're okay. Mine... You're okay."

He was already half asleep as he was talking, getting closer and closer right before he couldn't get any closer and falling asleep.

Ayla stayed where she was a little while, allowing her wolf to enjoy it, until she remembered all that would be done today.

She would be expected to move into her own house, already built and ready for the next alpha couple, today.

She began panicking and squirming trying to get up when a growl left her now awake mate.

"Stop trying to get away from me, mate."

She huffed before she continued,

"Let me up, we have to move into the other house and I need all of mine and your stuff in today, the rest is ready. I decorated it in hopes I'd find you soon, to save time."

Louka nodded before stretching out his arms and smirking.

"So you did want to meet me?"

"I needed to meet you."

At this his smirk widened as he chose to take the comment a different way. He looked over st her closely and examined how she looked on a morning, looking her up and down he was pleased, but tried not to show it.

"Stop it... I don't know what you're doing but stop. Okay?"

Louka growled lightly and pulled away from his mate to get out of bed. He walked out of the room and Ayla heard the shower turn on before she let out a sigh of relief and began sorting her stuff.

It was tedious but went quickly as there wasn't much to be done for the house and by late afternoon they were done.

"When will we mate?"

"Wh-... What?!"

"When will we mate?"

"Your not supposed to ask things like that! It will happen when we're ready."

"Well, I'm ready mate."

"No, Louka you-... That's not how this works."

Ayla starred in astonishment at her mate as he asked these questions. Thinking to herself that this wasn't right, mates don't bluntly ask when and push for it, they're meant to be supportive and wait for when the female is ready, why didn't her mate get that?! It's all wrong to her.

"We need to mate to secure are bond so we can take over the pack from your father. To make your pack strong."

Ayla looked at him again, what was she going to do with him. He was exactly what her pack needed, a male who has alpha blood but doesn't have his own pack and wants the responsibility. But it's not what she's dreamed of in a mate, how could this pairing be true. She could feel it to be true but not understand it.

He's cold towards her, while instigating they mate, the most beautiful and loving act running on love and lust and pure ecstasy, yet Louka's looking at her with a hard look in his eye, a take no prisoners battle look!

"I'm not mating with you yet. It has to be special, the pack is secure for now just having a future alpha male."

"It will be special."-

Finally some sense!

-"it will give us power and are wolves completion."

And the sense is gone.


After that awkward encounter I had stormed out of the room and now just a few hours later was done moving all my stuff in to our home and putting them all away. Louka hadn't really brought anything but his debit card and a few clothes so they were away very fast.


Louka's barely raised voice filled the empty house as I turned to see him entering the bedroom. I made a noise of acknowledgment as I finished sorting my vanity until it was positioned as I wanted.

"When will we begin to lead the pack?"

Oh Goddess not another of these conversations...

"What so your wolf can reach its full potential and you can raise the pack up!"

I shot back sarcastically only to be answered with a growl.

"I'm trying to let it go but your so disrespectful, little mate."

I rolled my eyes while turning back to my vanity to hear a puff of air and a groan before he continued talking.

"Because my wolf is destined to be an Alpha and I've reached maturity a long time ago, we're not patient and... it's hard to be living under another alpha for me if you must know."

I sighed and felt bad for being rude, it must be hard to loose your pack then have the power and mindset of an Alpha but not the respect or command.

"My father will hand the pack down to us the morning after my 18th birthday, in two weeks, now I have a mate it's to be looked forward to, not put off."

Sometimes I resent that I couldn't be an Alpha myself, but I'm female and that's not how it's done, don't get me wrong women are respected and occasionally there is a female alpha but I'm not one, you see you need an alpha wolf and I only have a Luna wolf, just as Ellie only has a beta female wolf, to be strong you need both, in some cases the male is actually the Luna or beta female but it's rare, it's genetics and while you can change opinions, it's harder to change genetics.

I must of zoned out as I'm jolted by Louka's voice seconds later.

"What are you thinking of little mate? It better not be of leaving me."

He began grumbling towards the end of his sentence and I sighed before turning round.

"Just about the lack of female alphas."

"Well stop!"

"What why? What's wrong with that?!"

Instead of answering he simply growled again and left.


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