Chapter 4

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(Her mate above)

Her mate stalked up to her, closing the distance between himself and his frozen mate.

Upon reaching her he pulled Ayla into his arms tightly, lifting her off the ground and burying his face in the crook or her neck and inhaling deeply, growling in satisfaction as he did so.

The man had no control, his wolf had taken over and he was not letting her go.

Ayla however wasn't in any better a state. Her wolf was pushing forward and purring at her mates affection. Enjoying the love given to her how her wolf deemed right.

But, Ayla came to her senses quicker and she began struggling, wanting to talk to her mate, to get to know him. She wanted the fairy tale love. To be wowed, swept off her feet, to be slowly romanced...

Her mate, on the other hand, didn't seem to like her struggling. He let out a angry growl, displeased his mate was trying to get away from him. His wolf desperately clung to her, pulling her closer and pinning her between him and the tree, effectively stopping all struggle.

"You're mine, stop trying to run, I'm never letting go now."

The entire sentence was huskily growled out, scaring Ayla while doing so.

Who was this guy? Would he be a good alpha? Would he be a good mate? What's his name?! All these thoughts were rushing through Ayla's mind as she struggled to find words.

"I-I just... Wh-what's your n-name?"

She stuttered. She couldn't believe she stuttered. Now he would think he was an idiot. She was sure of it. He would think she couldn't even talk. Ahh!

"Louka Ferino."

That one word was all it took for Ayla's world to crack. Louka Ferino was known all over. The pack less alpha. Completely trained but right as he was sent away for a final training with a pack half way across America from her own, his was attacked. His family killed and the entire pack dead or scattered.

For her pack he was perfect. Set to be the best. An alpha that could join her pack and rule her pack with Ayla without even having to slowly bond the two packs, ideal for the situation. Not so much for Ayla.

Louka Ferino was said to be cruel, unfeeling, controlling and deadly. He had singly handedly gone after those who killed his pack and finished them one by one. He had lost his humanity when he became pack less. Some say his wolf had full control.

Ayla looked up just in time to see his eyes go from the gold of a true alpha to his natural green and she knew the last part wasn't true. But she wasn't deluded. He wouldn't love her how she dreamed. She'd just have to accept that... For her pack.

She was still starring at her mates face when he smirked at her.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name, mate?"

The sound of his voice sent shivers through her, but she tried to hide it.

"Ayla Black"

Her response was confident and it sent a purr through Louka's body.

"Ayla, mine."

Louka tested her name on his lips and his wolf loved the way it felt to say her name. She was his, he wouldn't let anyone take her from him.

"We should leave the game, I need to tell my father I've found my mate. We're the hosting pack."

"I know little one. Stop wriggling, I'm not letting go."

He didn't yell but still the words sounded dangerous and Ayla who had been subconsciously wriggling stopped her movement, scared.

She didn't like this. He was possessive and controlling already, this wasn't what she'd thought of... Yes, she was glad she found her mate, just, she had thought he'd be wooing her and walking hand in hand maybe. Not squeezing her and refusing to let go, growling if she tried to move for air.

He carried her quickly back to the pack house-the communal house where the couples were meant to go upon finding each other and those unclaimed would go when the Chase ended-growling at every searching male they passed.

When they reached the door Ayla began squirming again.

"Let me down, they don't need to see there future Luna like this with her mate the first time were seen together."

Louka grumbled but placed his mate down next to him, allowing her to smooth down her dress ad fix her hair before he reached out and out his arm around her possessively and walked into the pack house.

There was already two couples there; Ayla noticed neither of them were Ellie.
Her father was across the room, stood proudly with his Beta and Gamma, upon them entering he looked up and saw his daughter had found her mate.

He rushed over and swept her up in his arms, twirling her as his daughter giggles. Ayla looked up at her fathers emotional eyes:

"Congratulations sweetie..."

Just as her father speaks a loud growl sounds through the room and Ayla is snatched out of her fathers embrace and into her mates.


The older Alpha simply laughs, glad to realise that with how possessive Ayla's mate is he is defiantly a high rank.

"I'm her dad."

Louka stops growling under his breath but continues to hold his mate closely. He takes a while but he puts her down and just keeps an arm around her so she can't go far.

"Dad, this is Louka Ferino."


Her father immediately realised that his daughter is mates to the pack-less Alpha, exactly what they need.

Her father went back to talk to his beta an gamma, telling them the news while Ayla waited to see if her friend would walk in with a mate.

Suddenly Ayla began worrying what would happen depending on who her mate was. The mate would move according to who had the highest rank, if they were equal rank then they generally want with the male, but they could decide. If Ellie is mates with an Alpha she would have to leave...

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