𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐮𝐭

49 2 11

you woke up from unconscious, surrounded by darkness. you were unaware of where you are, and what makes it more horrifying is that you could not hear a single thing.

 you, obviously didn't know what sound is or what it sounded like, but you surely did know that you were not supposed to be surrounded by utter blackness, and no nothing. it took merely a mil-a-second for your eyes to adjust to the darkness, but when they did, it was nothing more than a few, very red bright lights, and you seemed to be in some kind of metal crate, trapping you like an experimented rat. then, you realized yet again, that it was moving.

anxiety filed your nerves from edge to edge, as you tried to yell, but when you did you heard nothing, zero, nothing. you then tried again, but only felt your throat vibrating and lungs tired. then, to your horror, the box started moving upwards even faster. you held on to the edges of the downward box.

 then, the box jerked up to a stop.

then, light filled the darkness your eyes were used to. you blinked multiple time adjusting. you then felt someone or something jump on to this box with you. you than looked up to see a boy, who was rather tall and muscular, with dashing blond hair.

his brown eyes meeting with yours. an expression on his appeared when you first made eye contact, it was hard to interpret, you then realized that it was both fear and confusion. he than turned to above, you also looked up to see what he was starring at to see boys, all heights, looks, emotions and races. the boys started moving their mouths, it seemed like to which you couldn't read nor hear. you than looked back to this blonde standing IN front of you, his face now holding both annoyance and confusion, he than started mouthing or saying something to you, but you could not understand and started panicking.

your heartbeat suddenly jumped to your throat, the world swayed from left to right to left again, everything began blurry, your eyesight worsening, tears dripping from your eyes  cold. 

then, suddenly, the world fades in to black.

atlas here !

heyy, um, so this is like a teaser-ish, so you guys enjoy! ima upload as fast as i can, but i have school and have a d in my ela so like, peace.

also the writing is bad ikik, i just wrote this in a hurry so give me som s l a c k :smirk emoji:

but fr tho.


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