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 ! newt's pov !

the gladers all surrounded the area of the box, surprised that we did not hear any cries of screams of help from below. they al started wondering if there wasn't going to be a new glader.

but then, we heard the box jolt up and come to a stop. all the Gladers came a little forward to see who unlucky boy was sent up to the glade, this hella of a place that we call home. i then knelt down and with the help of alby opened the lid of the metal crate, in return i got a high pitch rusty squeak from the rust lids.  when the lid hit the ground not so quietly, i turned my eyes to the box, looking for the next unlucky greenie, i then saw a figure with long (h/c) hair, hands gripping the metal crate's little opened patterns on the bottom, he head looking down, so i could not see her face, i  then jumped down with no warning.

the glader, who did not seem to be a boy look up, to make immediate eye contact with me, the glader- was a bloody girl! i then looked up to the boys and yelled out, "it's bloody girl!" to which all the boys replied with disgusting, inhuman, disappointing replies.

"is she hot?"

"i call dibs"

"damn, no I CALL DIBS"

"i wonder why she's here."



"what the shuck."

and other replies, i than looked back to the girl, as she was looking at all the boys confusion splattered all around her face, i studied her. 

she had amazingly long (h/c), with her dashing (e/c) and a thin line formed with her lips, she was dressed with a black long tank top and grey sweatpants, her hands were now not gripping the gripping the bottom of the crate but where now on her lap, fidgety.

"hey, don't worry, were not gonna hurt you." i said quietly and calming to her as to not scare her because, from all she heard, all these teenage boys were disgusting boys "calling dibs" on her. though instead of staring at my face, like any of the other gladers before her, she was looking to my lips, her eyes following every movement. few grew on her face, as her eyes started with tears, breathing quickly escalating to hyperventilating as she started sobbing loudly, her mouth scrunched up.  all the boys starting leaning in more to catch a glimpse of the girl sobbing, i quickly knelt down in front of the girl to try to stabilize her and help her not pass out, but it was too late and her eyes slowly closed, and her body slid against  the hard rail of the crate, though i caught her just in time not for her head to hit the bottom and possibly get a concussion.

"shit." i muttered, as i turned to look up at the gladers. a roar of talking erupted from them. 

"what happened to her?"

"is she dead?"


"shut it gally."

"i wonder if she's hot when she sleeps."

"what the shuck ben!"

and others i could not make out, i turned to alby and signaled him to come down, i also yelled for the two med-jacks; clint and jeff to come and carry the girl glader to the hut.

"alright guys, back to work!" alby shoed off all the gladers to their work, all of them grunting and whining, but doing as said. alby then jumped in the crate.

 "What the shuck are supposed to bloody to do." i sighed to alby, pointing to the girl with my nose. 

"hmph, why don't yo take her to the med-jacks, and I'll see if they like brought something we could like- cOmmUniCAte with her." he sighed, examining the girl's body. 

i sighed, "fine with me." as i bend down, and slipped my left arm under her two legs and my right arm slipped behind her back so i could support her. i then straight my back, 

shuck, she's actually light. i sighed, alby than called some other glader boys to come help me lift the girl up. 

 - time skip / flash back - 

! y/n's pov !

"PLEASE! I DIDN'T DO IT!" a young girl yelled, i seemed to be in the dream and wasn't just watching it, it seemed like the voice was coming from me and- 

shit, i can hear! 

but my thought in dream was interrupted, my eye sight was blurry with tears; i assumed, from which i could tell, i was looking at two tall figures from my point of view, i couldn't point out much of their appearance, but i could point out that both of the figures were wearing long white coats which fit them perfectly, white, just white. they were staring at me, though i could not see their faces clearly, i could feel them both eyes burning in to me, i was sobbing, loudly.

 i could hear two other voices yelling at me, i continued sobbing, my cries over theirs. my throat began hurting, my eyes filled with new tears, as every mil-second a new tear dropped but was replaced with a new one. the two figures continued to yell at me. 

i tried to wipe my tears away, but to no avail as i could have not wiped all of them away since i could not stop sobbing any time soon, i tried thinking, why was i crying?  i did not know why i was crying though, and then, a sharp pain spreads through my face, a heat coming from the exact postion, i fall to the ground with a hard thump, as i try to stand up or at least get up, a needle is inserted in to me, and everything fades to black.

"don't worry love, it's just a nightmare."

atlas here !

be luvs, its ya gurl atlas here, hope you enjoyed this chapter even though theirs like only 8 of you guys reading this but i don't care, i still luv ya.

also note for future me: they make her feel like she can hx(ear)

don't over think that though, i mightbe trickin ya lol.

also if you have title ideas for this chapter please tell me, becuase like i don't know what to title this lol. i'll credit you if i use ur title sooo, worth a shot :p

good bye shunks and luvs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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