An apple a day (in your story, of course!) keeps the emos away. Unless your story includes emos, are in for a ride. I guess. I'm the narrator. I come and I am nothing. I am an all-seeing being. But I'm sooo dumb, I'm not an omniscient type of POV character. So what the hell am I? That's not important though , this story is about a cute mushroom child!
He- oh they go by they/them... sorry fans! (I wasn't prepared to narrate...) They were sad, they wanted the MacGuffin. What's a MacGuffin? It's a thing that people in books and movies, stuff like that want, the main characters want it. But this MacGuffin has got a special name- "friends" Poison Mushroom cookie was so lonely! They needed NEW cookie friends to spend their days with. So they wined to Licorice Cookie.
But Licorice was super emo and stuff like that so he ignored them. So BULLY! So Poison Mushroom CRIED. Licorice knew Pomegranate would be pissed off after hearing that he made Poison Mushroom cry so, he agreed to help.
"We need...the cookie friends!" Poison Mushroom outstretched their arms wide and hugged an imaginary air friend. Licorice was emo, he had no friends. Like no friends, AT ALL, he thought of Poison Mushroom as a friend, but annoying Pomegranate was mean and said that they didn't count. So he cried, right there.
Poison Mushroom thought he was crazy. Or high. So they stared for seven hours before saying "What's...up...?" Then they added "Dude...?" Licorice stopped crying. He ran out of tears. He wasted majority of it crying for 10 months after loosing against GingerFace or whatever his name was.
"WE NEED TO FIND THAT MACGUFFIN!" Licorice screamed that loudly. I'm sure Pomegranate heard, cause she walked out her room all angry, looking like she was ready to beat the hell out of Licorice. He cried again. His tears regenerated. He cried for about a year before Poison Mushroom said "STOPPYYYYY" very heroically.
"Pomegranate...stop and Licorice need to find friends! Licorice is...emooooo! And no one likes the" Pomegranate was mean, sure, but she couldn't have Poison Mushroom cry like that. So she joined the adventure.
Licorice brought his books
Who knows what this story will become. It could have LicoPom, maybe it will maybe it won't. I'm not outlining these or planning, at all...I'm a panster right now, doing my panster things!
Poison Mushroom's official super cool ADVENTURE! (Crack)
AventureThis is old. I wrote this a year or two ago. I had no idea what I was doing. Oh. Not a random crack fiction. And it features Poison Mushroom Cookie. This is official, Devsisters confirmed. Spelling, grammar, plot, and basically everything here suck...