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Before we begin I would just like to thank you all for opening up this book and giving it a chance.

Yes this is the sequel story so if you have not read "Stuck In Love" I advise you to do so first.

Have you done that?

If you have, please continue:

Hello, and welcome to the sequel "Twin Flame"

This story will take place after the events of the state penitentiary exploration and before the decision to go home.

As you saw in the description I gave you:

"what if she never went back with NSB"

✨🦋✨Warning: I know some may not be interested in this and that's okay, because they were probably expecting a North Star boys sequel. This is not the case. She WILL be with Sam and Colby and Seth. That crew. Not NSB. This story follows the line of her and Seth's love story instead of how Stuck In Love ended. ✨🦋✨

I really hope you give this book a chance as I look super forward to it and I cannot wait for chapter to come.

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