017- Suspicious

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"Kat...Amanda...do you guys know why Seth is acting awfully strange right now?" I question the girls.

"Seth's being strange?" Amanda asked.

"How?" Kat added.

I explain the whole thing to them. How I was forced to wear what I currently have on instead of what I picked out. How he didn't tell me until last minute that I was hanging out with the girls, that he practically pushed me out of the house.

That's when the girls started being suspicious.

"What's going on?" I asked from the backseat.

"Nothing. We just wanted to surprise you that's all, since you Yunno decided to stay." Amanda answered as Kat focused on parallel parking.

"Alright. Let's go." Kat says and she put the car in park and we all step out to admire Kats work.

"Good right?" She asked.

Amanda and I laugh, she was slightly crooked but it's okay.

The girls and I walk into the building, me not even bothered to read the sign.

I noticed it was a nail salon that we walked into.

Amanda speaks to the person at the desk. "Hi there! We all have appointments."

"Names?" Asked front desk woman 'Leia' her name tag read.

"I just put it under the name Amanda, but there's 3 of us."


I took notice that the salon wasn't very busy. They had a movie running, and they had snacks and drinks out at a table.

"Are you coming?" Kat asked pulling my arm to the snack table.

"What are the snacks for?" I asked.

"They are for when we get our pedicures." Kat answered picking out a ice water and miniature Pringle's.

"Which is what we are doing first." Amanda added picking out apple juice and nacho Doritos.

I picked out veggie chips and an blue Powerade, then I sat down at the pedicure station.

The entire time the girls and I munching and chatting. We even made a few TikTok videos.

Finally we were done with those and moved into the manicure stations.

Once we were done they lead us back up front to pay where Katrina enters her card with ease.

I try to protest but she insists, shutting me up instantly.

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