030-Marriage and A Baby

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(In case you didn't read the previous authors note this IS the final chapter!!!)

After all that time there we were.

My very own wedding.

I had been to countless weddings before but never did I imagine having my own.

Once we got to the church both the men and woman who are in the actual wedding party went their separate ways.

The girls in the wedding consisted of me, my little sister as my MOH, my two little cousins as the flower girl, and then my bridesmaids were Katrina, Xepher, Tara, and Cassie.

Devyn (and Corey for that matter) couldn't make it as they had a previous engagement but promised to be there for the reception.

My mom finally arrives and heads in to do the girls hair and makeup.

"Girl it must be amazing having someone willing to do our hair and makeup!" Cassie says with a smile.

"Yea and for free too?" Tara questioned as my mom was finishing up her hair.

"Yes I know. I'm surprised she doesn't charge me!" I say laughing as she moves onto my makeup.

She was completely finished with everyone else but me. While she did my makeup they would go get dressed, then I would go get my dress on and she would finish my hair and add touch ups to those who needed.

"Well to be fair sweetheart, you are my daughter." She smiles softly as she applies the highlighter to my skin.

"Most mothers would charge their daughters I think. Besides. The rest of them aren't your daughter."

My mother holds out two lipsticks I assume for me to choose.

I point to the lighter shade and she begins applying it to my lips.

"They are like my daughters, they care for you. You're their sister. If they didn't care, we'll then I don't think they'd be here."

She tells me to put in my dress and immediately as I leave my sister and cousins plop over wanting some makeup too.

I get the dress over my head and ask if anyone can help zip me.

Cassie rushes over and helps me as she was the quickest done with her dress.

Everyone else soon is done and they all look beautiful.

We all walk up the stares and my sister and cousins all cast their eyes upon us.

"Oh my goodness! Look at those pretty princesses guys!!" My oldest cousin Kendall exclaimed.

The 3 of them also had their hair and makeup done. "You guys are princesses too!" I exclaim.

"Yea we should be jealous of how you look." Katrina says walking up to you youngest cousin Autumn who had the biggest grin on her face.

Just then the wedding director comes back and says we should get lined up as we are about to start, and reveals the line of men in the wedding party (minus seth).

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