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"10-1, 10-1 I repeat 10-1, shots fired! Officer down! This is Detective Jay Halstead, Badge number 51163. Send an ambulance to my location now!" Jay ordered over the radio, peering down at Erin bleeding out from multiple GSWS. "Stay with me, Erin!" Jay said, applying pressure to her wounds. "Fight! Erin fight! I need you! Locklan needs his mother!" Jay cried, watching her fade into unconsciousness. Antonio raced around the corner and into the house, he stopped frozen in his tracks as he laid eyes on his teammate. "Erin!" He shouted. "She's hurt bad, man!" Jay said, tears falling from his face. He gently grabbed her wrist feeling for a pulse, "She's not breathing!" He began chest compressions and begging for her to breathe. Ambulance 61 arrived on scene, they raced to Erin's aide and instructed Jay to move aside. "I can't lose her!" Jay said. "Let them work! Jay!" Antonio barked, pulling Jay off her and holding him back, allowing the paramedics to do their job. Erin was intubated on scene, she was loaded onto the gurney and into the back of the rig, Jay and Antonio hopped in and the race to Med was on!

At Chicago Med, Emergency department, "Incoming! CPD officer, Multiple GSWS!" Maggie called out to the doctors and nurses. Will looked to his fellow colleague and wife; Doctor Manning. She knew that look, it was the look he gave every time they received news that a CPD officer was injured and heading for their ED. "It's not him." Doctor Manning told him. "You don't know that!" Will said as paramedics rushed in. "She's not breathing! She lost her pulse twice!" Brett called out, Jay was back on top of Erin doing chest compressions again. "It's Erin! you have to save her!" Jay said, tears filled his eyes once again. "We can't help her until you step aside." Will said to his frantic brother. "I - I can't leave her." Jay said.
"Please, Jay." Will said, helping him off the gurney. "Crash cart, now!" Ordered Dr. Rhodes, taking over chest compressions. "Are you hurt? Jay, look at me!" Will said, grabbing his younger brother's face as Erin was whisked away. "She's in good hands! Are you hurt?" Jay was covered in blood. "It's not mine." He said. "Are you hurt anywhere?" Will asked again, leading Jay into the break room. "No." Jay said, "This is all my fault, I need to be with her!" He shouted, slamming his hands onto the table. "Jay!" Will said, "This is not your fault."

"It is! She went in without me or backup! If she had just waited for me or backup she wouldn't be in this situation!" Jay replied, raising his voice. "Sit and tell me what happened." Will said, guiding him to the nearest chair and then sitting down himself. "We were in hot pursuit of the offender, he had taken a 5 year old boy hostage and led Erin on a chase into a house. I lost sight of her when we split up. We were unsure if he had other hostages, I peeked inside and saw Erin face to face with him. He was staring down the barrel of the gun, the little boy. I heard Erin order him to put it down. We think that was the house he was staying in. I watched as another offender came down from upstairs and fired at Erin unloading his round into her. I stormed into the house and took the offenders down.." Jay explained as the tears were falling down his eyes. "Clear!" Dr. Rhodes said, shocking Erin. "No response! Charging again!" He called out. "Clear! Again! Still no response. 1 milligram epi!" He ordered April. "Come on Erin! Fight!" Seconds later, "We have a pulse! It's faint, but it's there!" April said. "Call up to the OR and tell them we're coming!" Dr. Rhodes said. Erin was rushed past Jay and Will, "Where are they taking her!" He shouted, fighting Will to get to her. "Surgery, they're doing everything they can to save her! We have to let them work." Will tried to explain. Jay kept fighting him until he heard a familiar voice coming from the waiting room. It was Locklan! Jay ran out to the waiting room upon hearing his son and saw the whole of intelligence standing behind his son in the waiting room. Jay ran to his son, "How'd you get here? Why are you here?" Jay asked. "I picked him. He heard about Erin when I was talking to Hank and wanted to be here." Mia; Locklan's sitter, spoke up. "Is mom okay?" Locklan asked his Dad. "Yes, bud." Jay just lied to his own son and that was the hardest thing he could have ever done. "You're lying! She's not okay! I heard Grandpa talking to Mia about her!" Locklan yelled. "I'm sorry, you want the truth?" Jay asked. Locklan nodded. "Here's the truth, I'm not sure. But one thing I know is she's strong, she'll be okay!" He said, putting on his best fake smile. "Hey, go see your aunts and uncles." Jay told him, stepping aside with Hank. Locklan walked over to his aunts and uncles. "How is she?" Hank asked. "Not good at all." Jay said, fighting to hold his tears back. "Mia, please take Locklan home. We're going to be here for the next few hours. And the hospital is not the best place for kids." Jay told Mia. "What? No! I'm not leaving! I'm staying!" Locklan protested. "Locky mans, you have to go home. Dracula has to be let out and you need to eat." Jay explained. After a few minutes of the two going back and forth, Locklan ended up going back home after making sure Jay called every hour to update him.

Hours went by and Erin was still in surgery. The team rallied around Jay in the waiting room, awaiting news of their beloved team member and family. Will occasionally peeked in on his brother, between patients. Jay was pacing the waiting room. "Jay, please sit." Will said, "You have to be exhausted." "I am."Jay said. "But I can't sit around any longer!" He raised his voice at Will. "Jay, there is nothing you can do but wait!" Will said, "I will update you as soon as I know something!" He added and ran back inside as he was needed. "She will pull through, she's one of us!" Ruzek said, patting Jay's shoulder. "She's got this!" Atwater said. Will entered the waiting room a few minutes later, "How is she?" Jay asked, standing from his seated position, along with the rest of the team. "I'm so sor-." Will started and Jay cut him off yelling, "No! You save her!" Will tried to console his brother. "She's gone, man. We did everything we could, but in the end she succumbed to her injuries." He said. "No! Save her!" Jay shouted, pushing his brother, aggressively. "jay!" Will yelled. "I'm sorry!" He said as Jay ran out of the waiting, standing in the ambulance bay, he collapsed to his knees. The mother of his son, his wife, his partner and best friend is gone. How could Jay tell his son his mom is dead? And a week before his 10th birthday.

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