Ahh back home 🏡

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After Locklan had said his goodbyes to Jay for now, Avery and Derek drove the boy back home but not before stopping for some ice cream that Derek promised him. "Whatcha want for dinner, Locky?" Avery asks her young charge, unlocking the front door and opening it. Dracula came rushing the second he heard the keys jingle in the door knob. "Not really hungry" Locklan answers, although he was starving. "Locklan" Avery says. "Hmmm?" The boy hums innocently. "I know you're hungry, I hear your belly growling from all the way over here, boy" Avery giggles, poking him in the belly making him giggle. Something they haven't heard in a while. "Stupid belly! Why you betray me?" The boy laughs as Avery tickles him. "Whatcha want little wolf? I can get anything for you. Pizza? Hotdogs? Cheese burger? Bagel bites?" Derek lists off some of the food items that the boy loves. "Perhaps some brussel sprouts or spinach?" He teases, knowing the kid HATES his greens. Which makes Locklan laugh. "BRUSSEL SPROUTS?! HELL NAH!" He says, making a disgusted face and sticking his tongue out at Derek. "Hmm, how about pizza? From that one place you love. Uh what's the name?" Derek snaps his fingers trying to remember the pizzeria. "Giordano's?" Locklan says. "Ah that's it! I couldn't remember the name of the pizzeria for the life of me!" Derek says. "Yeah their deep dish is my favorite!" The boy licks his lips. "Cheese or pepperoni or both?" Derek asks, "Cheese, please" Locklan answers. "Got it, little wolf. You want it to be delivered or picked up? If pick up, you can come with me?" Derek asks, picking up his iPhone and dialing the pizzeria's number. "Delivery" The boy answers as he throws himself onto the couch with Dracula. "Got it little wolf" Derek says, calling the number and putting in an order for delivery. Avery was sitting on the loveseat waiting for her Dere bear. "Supernatural?" Avery read the title of the Netflix series Locklan was watching. "Yeah, I love it! I just started watching it right before my Dad -" Lock starts, noticing the boy is starting to get upset again Avery changes the subject. "What happened to Teen Wolf and The vampire diaries?" She asks. "Oh uhm," The boy wipes his face with his shirt sleeve before continuing. "I still watch them too" he fakes a smile. "Oh okay, baby boy" Avery sadly smiles, knowing deep down he's faking that smile. "Dere bear, come on sit" she pats the cushion spot next to her, he smiles and sits down with her.  About halfway through season 4 episode 10: 'Heaven and Hell', there's light knocking on the door. Derek jumps up thinking it's the pizza delivery guy, but opens it to find someone else. "Oh hey, Mr. Voight. Come in!" Derek steps aside allowing the older man to enter the house. Locklan looks over automatically recognizing that familiar raspy voice. But doesn't make an effort to get up or pause supernatural. Dracula races to Hank's side. Immediately throwing himself down on his back and rolling over exposing his fluffy belly awaiting pets and belly rubs.

"Derek, Avery, can we talk?" Hank asks the couple. "Alone?" He adds, looking at Locklan. "Yeah sure, what's up?" Avery says, "Little wolf, stay there, ok? We're just in the kitchen talking. Listen out for the pizza, should be here soon." Derek says to the boy. He just rolls his eyes and sighs, continuing to watch Supernatural which Hank oh so rudely interrupted. Lock may be a tad salty with his grandfather as he said he'd be back as soon as possible and well like his Dad, work comes first, even over HIM. "We caught Jay's attacker. He's been apprehended and he's not going anywhere for a very long time." Hank informs the couple. While occasionally peering over their shoulders to take a quick glance at Lock whose still sitting on the couch slightly pouting and shooting glares at his grandfather here and there. "What? That's awesome!!" Avery says, excitedly. Before clearing her throat, "I mean it's not awesome as to what happened to Jay, but awesome his attacker was caught! He won't be hurting anyone anymore!" Derek pulls his beautiful girlfriend close to him, kissing her head. "So can we tell little wolf the good news or?" Derek had turned around noticing the sudden change in Hank's face. "Little wolf?" Locklan was gone. He vanished into thin air. No haha, he snuck out of the house when Hank wasn't paying attention and is on his way to med to visit his Dad again. Except one small problem. He doesn't know how to get there and it's 48° outside.

Panic suck in. Immediately.

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