Snow Day Fun!

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~ Throwback ~
Locklan is eight years old! And Erin is still very much alive!

Monday, February 16th, Locklan got up, and started getting ready for another fun, and exciting day of school, like usual. He loves school because he gets to see his best friends, Sam, Leo, Rex, and Jax but it's not like he doesn't see them every day. The boys have the same classes, and one of their favorite "subjects" is recess! And their second favorite "subject" is of course lunch time! Locklan was halfway down the stairs with Dracula happily in tow, when he heard Erin on the phone with Hank, seeing if they have to go to work or they'll get a snow day. Just because there's a "little" snow on the grounds of Chicago, doesn't mean crimes stop. Criminals don't take snow days. Erin had just ended the call with Hank, turning to Jay who was leaning against the kitchen counter, sipping on his hot cup of joe. "Well, looks like we're having a snow day as well!" Erin smiles at her oh so handsome and charismatic husband of hers. "There's no school?!" Locklan comes hauling ass into the kitchen forgetting he's wearing socks, he comes to a halt, accidentally sliding, and landing on his ass. "How will I see my friends now?" He asks, still on the floor. "First off, you see them every day, secondly, are you okay?" Erin asks, a bit concerned that he could have accidentally hurt himself as he was still laying there. Dracula all over him, smothering him with lots of slobbery kisses. In Dracula's mind, someone or something on the floor, it's fair game, and in this case, it's his favorite person in the entire world, his boy! "Yeah, I'm okay!" Locklan gives a thumbs up to his mom. "Draccy boy, I'm fine, I'm good, thanks boy!" The 8 year old giggled, Dracula managed to lick the giggly boy in the mouth making him giggle harder than before. "Ewww, dog hair! I got dog hair in my mouth!" Locklan makes spitting noises in an effort to get the dreaded little strand of fur from his tongue. "Little help here, please?" The 8 year old asks, Dracula now laying on top of locklan, who's still struggling to get the strand of fur from his mouth. "okay Junge, lass ihn auf" Jay commands, and chuckles to himself as he grabs Dracula's collar with his right hand, and helping his son up with his left. "Thanks, Daddy!" Once he's back to his feet, he wraps his little arms around Jay's waist. He chuckles, "No problem, Locky mans." He pats his back, and returns the hug. "So there's no school today?" The little boy asks with a slight pout. "Nope, but you get a snow day, Locky mans!" Erin says, excitedly.

But what about my friends?" Locklan asks, just as the door bell rang, and the boys come walking inside seconds later, waddling like penguins because of their snow pants, and tracking snow in the house. "Dude! Did you hear the good news?" Leo says, "There's no school!!" Rex says, "We have a snow day!!" Sam says. The boys pile into the kitchen where their best friend, and his parents stood. "I'm bummed there's no school.." Jax says. "Me too!" Locklan says. "Hey, boys, guess what?" Jay says to the group of boys. "What??" The boys ask. "Erin, and I also get a snow day!" He answers. "Can you, and Mrs. Halstead play with us?" Sam asks Jay, and Erin. "Sure we can!" Erin answers with a huge smile.

 "Sure we can!" Erin answers with a huge smile

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"Cool beans! Let's go!" The boys say. "We have to change first, then we'll be out!" Jay says. "You boys want to stay here while we run upstairs to get dressed?" Erin asks the boys. "Yes, ma'am, thank you." The boys answer. "We'll be right back!" Erin says, and the 3 of them quickly run upstairs to get bundled up, a few minutes later, Locklan comes back downstairs, followed by his parents, and Dracula. The boys, Erin, and Jay head outside along with Dracula. The boys ambush Jay, and Erin with snowballs, pelting them, and laughing away. Erin, and Jay seek shelter from behind the little igloo they made, for this specific reason.

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