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Namjoon followed Taehyung to the basement, a glass of water in his hand. 

Agust looked up as they entered. He raised his eyebrows at Taehyung, noticing his bandaged arm. "Damn, looks like I didn't cut far enough. Pity."

"Ignore him, he'll say anything to get under your skin." Namjoon murmured to the boy, and Taehyung nodded.

"Well, welcome to my little home, guys! To what do I owe this little visit? Make yourselves comfortable." Agust stretched out in the chair as much as the ropes would allow. "Sorry I didn't leave out cookies for you, I don't have an oven down here. Or ingredients. Or the ability to move my arms."

Taehyung pulled out the bottle of pills from his pocket and dumped two into his palm, studying them.

"Ah," Agust straightened up. "I see."

Taehyung looked to Namjoon. "What if-"

"Don't doubt yourself." Namjoon said. "If you think giving him these will help Yoongi then I trust you."

"I can clear any doubts right now." Agust called. "Give them to me! Those pills help whoever is in charge at the moment stay in charge, so hand them over. I'll take them willingly." 

Taehyung bit his lip, unsure. "He's lying...right?"

Of course, Agust was an evil, manipulative liar, but even villains told the truth occasionally.

Taehyung shifted his weight from foot to foot, debating. Namjoon could see his mental struggle as he battled whether to give them to the alter or not. 

"What if I push Yoongi down further with these?" Taehyung asked Namjoon.

Namjoon, for all his smarts, wasn't a licensed clinical psychologist. He didn't know if the pills would help or hurt Yoongi at this moment. He looked at Agust, and there was a fire burning in the man's eyes that hid himself away from exposing whatever he was thinking. He just shook his head.

"Give them to me!" Agust shouted, struggling to get his arms free so he could grab the bottle away from Taehyung. "We'll see how he likes it! Being drugged out of existence! Let him feel what it's like to have someone hate you so much they try to kill you every single day!"

Taehyung stepped back, even though the ropes were holding the boy in place. "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing an idiot like you would understand." Agust growled, glaring at the pills. 

Namjoon decided to stay silent as he watched Agust, thinking.

"Come on, it's not like you're gunna take them." Agust continued with Taehyung. "You shouldn't do drugs, kids. Give them back to your local drug dealer. Kindness and charity and all that - or something, I don't fucking know, just give me the pills!"

"Yoongi is still the host. Taking these should still help him, even if an alter is in the front seat." Taehyung said to himself, looking at the small blue pills in his hand.

"Who says he deserves to be the host?" Agust snapped. "You all think he's soooo great, but you don't fucking know half of what I know!"

"You're seriously saying you're a better man than Yoongi?" Namjoon snorted, barely holding himself back.

Agust leveled his gaze with the student. "I'm saying I know Yoongi, and you know what he wants you to know about him."

"Explain, and maybe I'll give you the pills." Taehyung ordered.

Agust snorted. "I don't negotiate with cowardly idiots like you, slut."

"Fine." Taehyung shrugged, dumping the pills back into the bottle as he turned away. 
Namjoon followed him to the door. They had just opened it when Agust called out.

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