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Namjoon felt sick the whole way to the school. He gripped the handle above the window, trying not to throw up as he watched the scenery fly by. 

"Hey, can we stop and get some real food on the way?" Agust called. "You guys tried to give me whole wheat bread this morning. Whole wheat! Who am I, Hitler?" 

"Shut up." Taehyung snapped, his eyes on the road. 

"Maybe I'll let Yoongi out for thirty seconds, just enough to get some fucking steak or some shit." Agust sighed loudly. He kicked the boy's seats annoyingly. "Get me a happy meal with a toy! I! Want! A! Race! Car!" 

"You're more of a baby than Yoonie," Namjoon muttered. "And at least we like him."

"Too bad you'll never see him again either!" Agust sneered. "He hasn't stopped crying since you let him watch those tapes and I took over!"

"I said shut up!" Taehyung snapped.

"Or you'll what?" Agust laughed. "Do nothing? Cry? Sit in angst?" His eyes glittered. "Kill yourself?"

Namjoon turned up the volume of the radio to drown the man out.

He glanced at Taehyung, who was gripping the steering wheel tightly. 

"It'll be over soon," He laid his hand on the man's arm. "Yoongi will be back soon. Just hold on." 

Taehyung just sighed. 

They arrived at the school, and luckily enough for them, the parking lot was empty - so there were no witnesses to see them pushing a tied-up man into the building. 

"Ah, memories." Agust smirked as they dragged him down the vacant hallway, their footsteps echoing on the linoleum floors. "Remember our first encounter, sub? What a treasured day that was. You were pretty when you were bleeding." 

"Stop talking." Taehyung warned him, yanking him around a corner. 

Namjoon knocked on the principal's door, and it was silent. He tried the handle, and it opened. 

"Musta left in a hurry and forgot to lock it." Taehyung observed.

"Yay! Lucky us!" Agust cheered. 

Taehyung pushed him inside and kicked the door shut. "Okay, you saw we didn't edit the video, and the sex tape is the only video in there. He'll no doubt see it on Monday, so you win. Just give us Yoongi back." 

Namjoon set the recorder on the principal's desk, staring at it emotionlessly.

"Leave a note for him." Agust ordered. 

"What?" Taehyung asked, exasperated.

"Write something to make sure he views it first thing in the morning." Agust instructed. "I don't want him to think it's anything unimportant." 

Namjoon grabbed a pad of sticky notes and ripped one off. He picked up a pen and scribbled something down, before holding it up so the man could read it. "There. Happy?" 

Dear Principal Barnes, please watch the video on this recorder as soon as possible, as it holds something very important that you need to see as an educator. 

Agust grinned. "Ecstatic."

"Alright, let's get out of here." Taehyung tugged on Agust's arm, pulling him back to the door. 

They left the office, shutting the door behind them. 

Jungkook peered around the building, watching the trio walk to the car again. 

His heart was racing, since he had just ran all the way over here.

He waited until he watched the car drive off, wondering if Yoongi was back already. 

He crept into the building, hurrying down the hallway. 

Creeping into the principal's office, he spotted the note that was left on top of the recorder and scowled.

He crumpled it up and shoved it in his pocket before glancing at the device. 

He didn't allow himself to think about his plan. It was risky, but if it worked, he could save Yoongi from joining his father. 

He stole the camera.

"Where's Yoongi?" Taehyung demanded once they were back at the house. He shoved the man to the floor in the living room, hovering over him.

"Not so fast, baby boy." Agust shook his head, laying on his back. "I'm not letting him out until the explosion on Monday." He sneered. "I'm not stupid, I know you idiots will still try to double cross me until the very last second. If Monday comes and nothing happens, I'll know one of you fuckers fucked up, and you'll never get your teacher back." 

All hope flew out the window. 

Namjoon hadn't been planning anything to trick Agust with, he had just wanted to do exactly as the man said in hopes of pleasing him so that he would get his Yoongi back. 
But the thought of having to wait another day before seeing his love painted him even more. 

"You son of a bitch, you'll drag this out until the end of time!" Taehyung pinned the man to the floor, growling. 

Agust just laughed at the boy's emotions. "I just want to watch Yoongi getting fired with my own eyes. Then I'll retreat and let him try to scramble and clean up the mess! He deserves all the pain in the world!" 

"You fucking bastard!" Taehyung placed his hands on the man's neck, squeezing. 

"Tae, stop! It's still Yoongi's body!" Namjoon tried to pry the man off, but he was weak from not eating. 

Taehyung glared pure hatred at the choking man beneath him, his arms shaking with force of his anger. 

Agust coughed, wincing as he struggled to get out from underneath Taehyung to no avail. His hands were still tied, trapped beneath him. 

"Taehyung!" Namjoon pleaded, yanking on the boy's shirt. "Stop! Please!" 

Taehyung didn't hear him, his ears drowning in the sound of his blood rushing in them.

"B-bab-y... b-boy..." The man wheezed, his eyes rolling back. 

Namjoon froze, staring. 

Taehyung released his hold on the man instantly. "...Yoongi?"

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