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Everyone whispered and stared at her as she stopped at the front of the room, tilting her head slightly to look up at the people on the stage.

"And you are?" The judge asked her.

"Sara Jones, aka Kim Namjoon's ex-girlfriend, and the one who made that fake video." She answered.

"How do we know that?" Li demanded, jumping up again.

"I have my ID, and I'm clearly the girl in the tape." She told him. "What more do you want?"

"Ms. Jones, you do realize you're here because you attempted to frame Mr. Min and Mr. Kim here," the judge looked down at her.

"Yes, it was done out of anger when he broke up with me. I stole his phone and copied that original video, then edited to make it look like it had happened off school grounds so Mr. Min would get in trouble. I was just being jealous and horrible, and I deeply apologize." She looked at Namjoon. "If I could take back my disgraceful action, I would. I'm very sorry."

"How did you know he had that video on his phone to begin with?" Li interrupted.

"I didn't. I stole his phone and found it, and when I saw it, I knew it was the perfect way to try to get Mr. Min out of the way so I could get my ex-boyfriend back." She said calmy and Jungkook's heart soared. "I don't like the disgusting class he teaches and thought if I could frame them being together, I could kill two birds with one stone."

She was doing everything right so far.

"And how did you know the rules of the class?" Li asked, eyebrows raised.

"It's public information on the school boards website, under the consent form." Sara replied and Namjoon couldn't help but grin, ducking his head to hide it.

If only he had ever read that God damn consent form in the first place...

"Do you have any other questions for the witness?" The judge asked Mr. Li, who grumbled but shook his head.

"Alright, then the punishment for fraudulence-"

"Wait, your Honor," Namjoon hurried to stand beside her. "I would like to formally disavow any charges against Ms. Jones. Having her come in and admit the truth is enough for me, and I believe Mr. Min would agree."

The judge looked at Yoongi. "What say you, Mr. Min?"

"I agree with Mr. Kim's statement." Yoongi responded.

The judge banged his gavel. "Alright. Ms. Jones, you're dismissed. But this will still be going on your public record."

"I understand. Thank you." She bowed slightly, before turning to leave.

Her and Namjoon caught eyes for just a moment, but it seemed much longer.

He smiled at her, forgiving her for cheating.
And she smiled at him, thanking him for helping her not get into legal trouble for doing this for him.

She passed by Jungkook, who slyly gave her a thumbs up.

Yoongi watched her leave, his thoughts spinning.

The judge looked down at his papers. "Well, I think that clears this matter up. Jury, we'll give you a few minutes to decide whether Mr. Min is guilty of violating the school and classroom laws or not."

The jury turned to a huddle, whispering.
Namjoon faced Jungkook, wanting to run over and talk with him, but he had to stay in place and remain professional.

Jungkook shot him a smile and a wave of support.

The student glanced down to Yoongi, who was whispering with his lawyer. He wanted to talk to him, but he didn't want to interrupt, so he hurried back to his classmates.

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