Chapter II: Home Invasion

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Hello, everybody! Jack of Knaves here coming at you with another chapter of The Prodigal Knight Returns! Now, before we get started, I think I had better address the potential plot holes in my incarnation of Revan's backstory that could crop up after I did some further research. First off, Revan got all her memories back when Malak spilled the beans about who she really was, except for those involving Tenebrae/Vitiate, so she and Canderous, as well as T3-M4 and HK-47, still needed to head to the mountains to get Mandalore the Ultimate's helm back. It was when she found the Helm and the Holocron that she remembered about Vitiate. After persuading Canderous to become Mandalore the Preserver, Revan, HK, and T3 swung by the Foundry (which Revan kept a secret from everyone in case the galaxy needed its capabilities one day) where Revan got her sweet new armor/robes before heading out to face Vitiate, only for the Force to redirect Revan to the planet with the crystal with visions in her sleep, went to that planet, found the crystal, and the rest is history.

Hopefully that closes a few plot holes in this version of Revan's backstory. Oh, and before I forget, since the Darth Revan character tag has been added to the Movie Star Wars sub-category on fanfiction dot net, I have since made this a story exclusive to the Movie Star Wars sub-category. Why there are multiple Star Wars sub-categories is beyond me, but I don't run the site, so yeah.

Also, I would like to apologize for the temporary deletion and re-upload of this chapter. See, when I was working on this chapter the first time, I had been under the impression that Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka didn't remember diddly squat about their detour to Mortis. However, further research indicates that is not the case, and it seems to be only the knowledge that Anakin becomes Darth Vader that was erased. As such, that gave me a few ideas on how I could improve upon this chapter. You'll see soon enough.

Anyhoo, with that out of the way, let's get started!

Chapter Two: Home Invasion

Chancellor Palpatine's Office-A Short Time Later

The door leading into Chancellor Palpatine's office opened with a hiss, and through it walked two men that were often regarded as the best Jedi of their age, at least in the eyes of the general public: Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former apprentice, Anakin Skywalker.

As the two Jedi looked around what used to be an office, but what now looked like a crime scene mixed with the aftermath of a thermal detonator going off, with the members of public security and several clone troopers milling about the place trying to gather data on what had happened in the office earlier that day.

"Looks like someone had an eventful start to their day," Obi-Wan commented wryly.

Hearing the two Jedi approach, Mace and Ki-Adi-Mundi walked up to Anakin and Obi-Wan, serious looks on their faces. "Master Kenobi, Skywalker, glad you could join us," the dark-skinned Jedi Master said.

"What's the situation, Masters?" Anakin asked, seriousness in his voice.

"I can answer that for you, sirs," a nearby clone trooper captain said as he approached the four Jedi. "I've just received a report from one of our search teams."

"Go ahead, trooper," said Mace.

"My men just finished their sweep and lockdown of the Senate Building. There were no suspicious persons or missing civilians who had not already checked in for the day. In short, it seems like the intruder was working alone," the captain explained.

"What about the Senators and the Chancellor? Are they okay?" asked Anakin, the concern in his voice earning a glance and the smallest of smiles from Obi-Wan.

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