05. morgan

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I always found peace in walking to school by myself. It felt refreshing in a way. The way the air smells like vanilla when I'm chewing gum, my hair blowing from the slight breeze in the air. I always love to have my earbuds playing music on my way there. Well I mean, I always love to have my earbuds in. I listen to all kinds of singers, Taylor Swift, Arctic Monkeys, Tyler, The Creator, Drake, and the list goes on.

How much I needed my earbuds today.

I left them at home this morning since they were charging, thinking I could go a day at school without them. I made a mistake doing that.

Rumours flooded the halls, the bathrooms, and the classrooms. You couldn't help but listen into what everybody was talking about.

"She cheated on him too? I just thought that they stopped talking."

"Matt deserves better."

"Ugh I always knew she was annoying."

What was going on?

I left school as fast as I could. I did not want to be there for one more second surrounded by people obsessing over the boy that I kissed.

As soon as I got home, I turned on my playlist and hopped into the shower. I needed to clear my head. My life has gotten interesting. I have felt trapped in a cycle recently, every day the same as the other. Wake up, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, school, get home, dinner, sleep. When something interesting happens in my life, it feels like more things happen in the days. Sometimes things that are interesting get crazy, and when that happens, music calms me down. I let the hot water

I get changed downstairs. I look in the fridge and there's not much. I turn on my phone for the first time in an hour and open the food delivery app.

"Mike, what do you want for dinner?" I yell upstairs to my little brother.

"Can we get pizza?" He replies.

"Sure, do you want cheese or pepperoni?"


"Okay." I choose the pizza category and select our favourite pizza place. I order a large pepperoni pizza and some garlic bread. While waiting for the pizza, I cut up some vegetables.

Then the phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey Morgan, have you checked Instagram recently?" Isabelle asks. Isabelle is one of my friends that I met in middle school. She doesn't go to my high school, so I always make sure to catch up with her every now and then.

"No, why?"

"There's this photo of Matthew Graham kissing someone and I'm not sure if it's you, but..."

Her voice trails off. My stomach drops and I look at the wall as though I am reading right through it. My hand takes the phone away from my ear as I wonder if I am just dreaming.

"What's the account?" I interrupt, putting the phone back to my ear.

"Oh, so it is you?" She asks, I can tell she's smiling at her screen.

"Yeah, it's a long story. What is it?"

She tells me the account and I open my Instagram faster than I ever have. I saw in my peripheral vision the 23 new follow requests and 13 tags. I ignore them and search up the account.

Shock and regret fills my body to the maximum as I see the message and the photo.

"Hey, Morgan? You still there?" Isabelle asks.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just, I just don't know what to say."

"It's okay, I understand. Has Hailey seen it?"

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