10. four years ago

2.7K 33 4

Age 11


"Morgan, can you get us more chips from downstairs please?" Hailey asked me.

"Yeah sure."

I was at Morgan's house for the fifth time that week. We were having our fourth sleepover in a row that weekend. We decided to eat chips and play board games until the rain passed.

When I got to the kitchen, the bag wasn't there.

I searched around until I noticed it was at the top of a cabinet that was left open. Hailey's mom must have put it there. I try to jump up to reach it and fail.

"Thanks for giving me a ride. See you Monday night." I hear a voice I don't recognize.

My stomach drops. We're home alone.

Is the house being robbed?

I grab the first thing I can find, a loaf of bread next to the toaster. I don't know how I'm going to defend myself with this, but maybe I can use it as a bribe to take instead of me.

The footsteps approach. I put the loaf of bread in front of my face and close my eyes as tight as I can.

"Hello?" A higher and much more confused voice than what I expected speaks.

I put the bread beside me and open my eyes. It's a boy who looks about my age.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Who are you?"


"Oh, you're one of Hailey's friends."

"How do you know Hailey?"

"She's my sister."


I've known Hailey since grade two. Most people who have been best friends for that long would recognize the other person's sibling. Not me. I've only seen Matthew a few times. He's always out. Hockey practice, I think is what he's always at.

"Can I have some bread?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." I move aside.

"How are you liking your first year at Westview Middle?" He asks me.

"It's good. You go there right?"

"Nah, I play hockey for a boys school."

"Oh, do you like it there?"

"Yeah, it's nice."

I hear footsteps run down the stairs.

"Morgan, what's taking you so long?"

She comes into the kitchen and sees us both standing there.

"Oh, hi Matthew." Hailey says, sounding annoyed.

"Hey buttface." Matthew replies as he sticks his tongue out at her.

"Come on Morgan let's go." She says.

"Oh, I didn't get the chips yet. I can't reach."

"I can get those for you." Matthew says as he reaches for the chips and hands them to me.

"Thanks. Okay we can go now." I say to Hailey.

That was the day I truly met Matthew Graham.


- Authors note!!

Hey! What you all think of these flashbacks? I think they're cute and they're all going to be short little parts throughout the story! I loved writing their first meeting and I want to also include the story of how she fell in love with him.

Thank you for continuing to read! I hope you like the next part!

Thank you for continuing to read! I hope you like the next part!

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