07. morgan

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He wants to see me, but I don't want to see him. I don't know what I was thinking, going off and kissing him, without telling his sister, my best friend.

Text sent at 9:05 PM: Yeah, I'll see you at school tomorrow.

I thought that was the end of that, but it wasn't.

Text from "Matt" at 9:06 PM: Then what are you doing?

Text sent at 9:06 PM: Important stuff.

Text from "Matt" at 9:10 PM: Can you let me inside.

I look out my window and there he is, standing outside of my door.

Text sent at 9:12 PM: My family is in the living room. They'll ask why you're here.

No response. He must have gone home. I get up to go get a water bottle when I noise from my window causes me to jump.

"Guess who." I hear from the window.

I roll my eyes and unlock it for him.

"Hey, what are you so busy doing that I cannot come over?" He asks.

"You wouldn't understand." I say.

"Yeah right." He replies, with a smirk plastered on his face.

I go downstairs, leaving him in my room, to stall. I don't want to be around him. I get carried away by Matthew Graham. After a few minutes I end up getting the water bottle like I thought about earlier. I fill it up and head back upstairs.

"What took you so long?" He asked, laying on my bed.

"At least take your shoes off." I say.

He does and then repeats his question.

"Just sending the photo of us kissing to everyone in my contacts." I respond sarcastically.

"What's up with you Morgan? I'm trying to talk to you and you're pushing me away."

"Do you even care that Hailey would get so mad if she found out about us? Or am I just another one of the girls you talk to for a month and then ghost?"

"I never said that."

"You didn't have to. You not saying anything just proves my point."

"Look, Morgan, I would've reached out."

"But you were too busy thinking about yourself and how it would impact you?" I ask.

I grab the door handle to leave the room when he grabs my hand and turns my body towards him.

"I want you. All of you. And for that to happen, you have to just give me a chance to prove it."

"Matt, come on. It's not going to work out."

"You just don't want to believe it. I know you want me. I've known for a while. I want you too."

I look up at him, his gaze directly at my eyes. I look at him and think of something to say, something to stop this from happening. I know exactly how this will end, a mess.

"It's going to become a problem between us, and Hailey."

"That's something we'll figure out when the time comes."

He then tilts his head in to kiss me. I allow him to. He kisses me roughly this time. As though he's been waiting his whole life for this one moment between us. He puts his hands around my neck and my heart speeds up. Our pace speeds up as he starts breathing heavily through his nose. I run my fingers through his hair and it feels soft like fresh flowers. My eyes open for a second to see his are closed, as he's experiencing every last second of the kiss. He puts me against a wall and he hugs me slightly, making me feel safe. Matthew has always made sure I'm safe, ever since I was a kid.

When he pulls away he stares at me as though he just had the best dream ever and was waiting to tell me about it. He's smiling and is holding onto my shoulders. I drop my head onto his chest and giggle slightly.

"What?" He asks.

"I did not expect that, that's all."

I bring my head back up and he brings me in for one more, passionate kiss. When he pulls away, he says goodnight and climbs out of my window. I stand there thinking about what just happened. My stomach was still doing somersaults. His lips tasted like butter, which made me think he recently had popcorn or something.

I lay on my bed and turn on my phone. I respond to some texts and then go to put my pyjamas on and brush my teeth.

When I return to my bedroom, I turn on my LED lights and make them purple. I open some snaps and then turn off my phone. I grab a book from my side table and start reading it. I love mystery novels. I've recently been reading one about a FBI case with a secret romance. It's become one of my favourite books. I am almost done reading it and I wish I wasn't.

After about thirty minutes of reading, I turn off my lights and go to sleep, until my phone lights up.

I thought I put it on sleep mode?

A snap from Matt. Surprise. He's probably going to send some joke or something. I open the photo and it looks like he just got out of the shower. He has his hockey hoodie on, the one I accidentally got some food colouring on when we were younger. His hair was wet and he was making a peace sign with his hand. He also added some text which said:

"Missing you"

I was right. He was sending some cheesy joke message. I turn my LED lights back on and send a snap back with the text that reads:

"Real funny"

I sent it, thinking that he won't know what to say in response. However, he responds faster than I did, with a grin on his face, saying:

"I'm not joking"

And I snap back saying:

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

He replied later saying he wished he could see me now and I just said that he'll see me in the morning. I go to sleep after sending that.

 I go to sleep after sending that

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