14. four years ago

2.2K 27 5

Age 11


April 24th | Dear diary,

I'm over my breakup with Jacob! We've basically been dating since grade 2 but we made it official four weeks ago. And then two weeks ago he broke up with me. I've never been broken up with before, I mean I've never even had a boyfriend before, but I know what heartbreak is now. But I think I have a crush on someone new now!

"Morgan, what did you get for question 1?" Hailey asked me.

We were doing math homework at her dining table.


"Okay same."

Matthew walks in with a new sweater and sweatpants. We turn to look at him.

"What do you think?" He asks us, showing off his brand new outfit.

"It's nice." I say, before looking at my friend who's face looks like she just ate an onion.

Matthew looks upset and I immediately feel bad. I turn to look at Hailey and and signal for her to apologize in the secret code we made one time at lunch.

"Look, Matthew. I didn't mean it." She says.

"Your face said it all." He replied.

I get up and hug him. He hugs me back.

"I like it." I say.

"Thanks." He replies.

I pull away and look into his eyes. I never noticed this side of him before. He's sweet and emotional. He touches my hand before letting go of it.

I blush and sit down.

"Look, Matthew. I think it's great if you like your outfit." Hailey says.

"Thanks, I guess." He replies before heading to the kitchen.

"So Morgan, what did you get for question 2?" She continues with her math.

I daydreamed though. I wondered what it would be like to be with Matthew. He's a year older than me, but I think I could make it work.

I think I like Hailey's brother, Matthew. Even though he's a grade higher than me. I wonder if Hailey and I are friends when we're older that me and Matthew could be boyfriend and girlfriend. I just started liking him today but I think it's meant to be (even if he's still older than me.) Okay that's all for today I have to work on the math homework Hailey and I didn't finish.

Morgan Irvine


- Authors note!!

Another cute little flashback! Thank you guys for getting this book to 100 reads I am so grateful for everyone who chose to read my story. I am active again with writing and I hope to begin publishing chapters on a schedule! That's all for now, thank you for all the support!

 I am active again with writing and I hope to begin publishing chapters on a schedule! That's all for now, thank you for all the support!

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