17. alexis

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I walked into the party that night hoping for a different outcome. I wanted a fresh start. This year had been nothing but bad for me. But coming back to my lake house, seeing my friends again, everything went back to normal.

"Lexi!" Colton said, coming in for a hug. His clothes were soaking wet, but I hugged him back.

"Hey Colton, how are you?"

"I'm good. What about you?"

"I'm doing fine." I was not in fact doing fine. I failed two of my classes this semester and got broken up with in front of the whole school. My mom left us and my brother is addicted to drugs. I am far from fine.

I asked where everyone was and he said they were coming back from the lake. In that moment I got a feeling, a feeling like everything was going to be okay. I went down and looked at everyone in the lake. They were all on one side, and then there was Matthew Graham, with a girl I didn't recognize. I would be lying if I said I never thought Matthew was cute. When I would go over to Hailey's when we were younger, and try to talk to him. It was just a small crush in middle school, though.

I feel the pockets of my shorts and realize I still have my disposable camera from last summer. I check to see if there's still film on it and smile when I realize there is. I walk around and ask people if we can take photos. I run into this girl and her friend before I realize it's Hailey.

"Is that you, Hailey? Your hair has grown so much I almost didn't recognize you!" I say, smiling. We take the photo before I begin to catch up with her. She introduces to her friend, Morgan. I assume they go to school together. She's really pretty, I made sure to tell her that. She had long brown hair and her top looked really good on her. I noticed a hickey on her neck, not too big, but noticeable, and I decided not to point it out. I wondered why she didn't put anything on to cover it up, but a lot of girls don't now anyways.

I see Matthew standing beside her and I give him a hug. We don't really talk much, never have but it's good to see him.

When we play spin the bottle, I sit across from Hailey and Morgan. When it lands on me, I decided to pick dare. I notice Matthew's eyes were on me.

"I dare you to show the most embarrassing photo you have from last summer."

I look up to meet Matthew's eyes, and I smile at him. I go to my photos from last summer and I find the one of him sleeping on my couch. I show it to everyone and they all laugh. I then notice Morgan's eyes meet Matthew's. He's blushing and she smiles at him. I realize in that moment. Morgan was the girl with Matthew on the other side of the dock. The hickey on her neck was from him. 

I lied. 

I actually did not have a small crush on Matthew Graham in middle school. I had a huge crush on him and I still do every summer I see him.

I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything other than jealousy. Jealous that it wasn't me. Was I never pretty enough? He dates a lot of girls so it has to be something wrong with me. 

I feel disappointment in this moment. Disappointed I never spoke up. Does Hailey even know? When I told Hailey I thought her brother was cute she got mad at me. 

When I got back to my place I opened my messages and selected Matthew. I contemplated on what I should send.


No. I should bring up Morgan first.

You know Morgan right?

That doesn't make sense. Of course he knows Morgan.

I know about you and Morgan

I think that's good. I read it over again and hit the send button. I stare at my phone and see he read it. He begins to type.

Text sent at 12:36 AM from "Matt Graham": What?

I respond immediately.

I know you gave her the hickey

That gets my point across.

Read 12:36 AM

I wait another twenty minutes, still no response. I decide to go to sleep. When I wake up the next morning, I turn on my phone to see a text from Matthew.

Text sent at 2:01 AM from "Matt Graham": Don't tell Hailey please


- Authors Note!

Hello! This is a bit of a bonus chapter that will help add to the story! Let me know if you all like these and want to see the other point of views as well! They will always remain shorter chapters so they don't take away from Matthew and Morgan's POV's.

Also, thank you all so much for 200 reads! Don't forget to vote and don't be shy to leave a comment!

Also, thank you all so much for 200 reads! Don't forget to vote and don't be shy to leave a comment!

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