May 9th 2015

5 1 0

So today wasn't too bad,
But I almost totally raged on my mom,
I get so pissed for no reason,
I hate myself,
I'm a fuck up,
Some people would say that's not true,
But it is.
It's 100% true.
I am an error in society,
I shouldn't even be here,
My family hates me,
Even my friends hate me,
I lost so many friends because of one stupid action,
Like what??
Just hate me because of something I did,
That doesn't impact you what so ever,
So yea thanks "friends"

I asked one of my friends if he hates me,
He said "No" "ily"
And legit he made my day,
Just by 3 simple little letters,
He made me stop crying,
I mean yea he's my friend,
But he's so much more than that,
He's my brother.
He's family.
I love him so much. (As a brother)
I would take a bullet for him,
He's helped me through so much,
And I'm so glad to have him as a friend.

So yea it's kinda weird that I just wrote about my friend hahaha I don't even know I'm weird okay
So my semi dress came in,
I can't wait to try it on,
I'm scared though,
Because I'm fat and dresses look bad on me,

My aunt lectured me yesterday,
I wouldnt eat a lot,
And she told me that I should eat more,
That I've worked so hard and lost so much weight,
That I should treat myself to some food,
Like are you serious???
"Lost so much weight"?????
My semi dress is too SMALL
too fucking small.
Explain that.
Yea I'm 7 pound lighter than I was 3 weeks ago,
But my semi dress is too small,
How does that even make sense??
I mean it fits,
Just not correctly,
I don't know,
It's hard to explain,
It just doesn't fit correctly,
It's too small in some places,
But yet,
When I lift my arms up,
It feels too big.
I don't even know what's going on.
So yea

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