Chapter 10: Holiday

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Your body was encased in a blissful dream state of comfort and warmth, healing your mind of the past day's troubles. Then, a stumble of footsteps down the stairs stabbed your eardrums and the sweet haze was broken.

You immediately sat up, alarm in your wide eyes and quick breaths chasing in and out of your lungs. A minute was taken to assess where you were: back at Gaster's house, in his bed. This meant you must have fallen asleep with him at the Ruins. A deep blush bloomed on your face at the prospect of him having to carry and tuck you into bed.

With a shake of your head to temporarily rid yourself of that embarrassment, you slowly pulled the blanket that had been draped over you off. A timid foot first sunk its weight into the floor, your second following after. It was hard to see in the dimly sit room, curtains drawn to encase the room in a serene blanket of black, but you could faintly make out the outline of the room's exit. Quietly, you took shy steps towards the bedroom door and let your mousy hand turn the knob, dreading the slight metallic noise its mechanisms produced.

A step into the hallway and, over the wooden railing of upstairs, you could already see Gaster's lanky form slumped over the dining room table. You let a soft sigh out at the visage of him and stepped down the staircase with the lightest paces you could muster.

Once you reached the ground floor, you tiptoed over to the skeleton man. Gaster's face rested on one of his arms, the other outstretched over the top of the table. A deep breath was let through his teeth every few seconds, ruffling the fabric of his shirt's sleeve. His legs were slightly stretched out under the pine table; for if they had been bent all the way, the table would not be able to touch the floor.

In the dim light cascading into the house from glowing street lamps, Gaster's facial scars looked far more prominent. Perhaps it was simply that you had never taken a moment to look at them clearly. The two cicatrixes looked far deeper than you had previously assumed, seeming to be cleanly cut through his skull, only darkness behind the slim slits of absent bone. After inspecting them awhile, a heavy weight settled in your chest.

You would have liked to believe they were species determined, but Sans and Papyrus possessed no such markings on their boney features. For all that you know, it could just be a birthmark Gaster was graced with; yet that still did not feel right in your gut. It made you awfully distraught for the man, despite you not even knowing the origin of the scars. The cracks look like they would have hurt, if not naturally appearing. Something about the scars was simply... dismal. However, you knew Gaster; he was capable and strong. If he ever wanted to share the story of the two incisions, he would do so when he was ready.

With a sapped smile on your face, you grabbed a woolen blanket from the couch and draped it over his figure. Your fingers were careful in their motions, making sure not to jostle him much, and you attempted to pull the cloth around the majority of his figure— as much as you could fit, anyways. You often did seem to forget his size. He was well over two—maybe even three—feet taller than you; it is a wonder how your neck has not yet pinched a nerve from looking upwards at him so often.

You gave Gaster one last wistful look before turning and treading back up the stairs as silently as possible. Flopping back into the bed, you threw the blanket over yourself and cuddled up into a ball. Night's silky caress took you swiftly and soon your mind was back floating in an abyss of notions and muses.

Deja vu stirred you from your sleep as Papyrus' small hands shook you awake, a mix of excitement and gentleness in his movements. "Y/n, Y/n! Wake up!!"

Stifling a yawn, you mumbled, "Alright, I'm up! Is something wrong?" Your eyebrows knit together in concern for a moment until the small boy quelled your fears.

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