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The universe holds all the secrets
between a look and a glance
and the lack of communication between us
Can you understand that?

Can you understand the lack of words
Between two souls
Who claimed for so long
to be cut from the same cloth?

Can you understand
the looks shared
between once soulmates
bound to the same fate
Now galaxies away
because of the words stolen off their lips

It tends to follow the breath of a shared kiss

Because when one of the two
falls, and keeps falling
out of the gravitational pull of the sun
and the stars, and is left to the rocks
at the edge of the universe

you shouldn't have to wait for them.

And it's so ingrained that we must wait
for those who don't want to move forward
Because a good friend would pull them out
A good friend would wait
A good friend would halt everything to help
I should halt everything to help
I should help
I am a good friend- I should be there
I should-

Should what?
Fall of the edge you worked so hard to find footing on?
Jump off the cliff you just climbed back up?

You extend a hand off the world
you reach into the stars
and you wait.
It's their choice to grab on
you can't force the astronaut to come home
you can only save yourself
And hope they let you help them
To save them too

But if they try to pull you too
They grab on
And try to pull you into their vacuum
A black hole of sorts,

Then it's okay to let go.

They've already lost themselves
Don't let them lose you too.

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