New friend

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The sound of my alarm woke me up from my wonderful sleep. As I got up, my alarm was still going off, I realized I hadn't done any of my homework from yesterday. I picked up my phone, turned off my damn alarm, and looked at the time. 5 in the morning, that gives more than enough time to do my homework.

Halfway through my homework, I grew tired of it and decided to just leave it, I will deal with the consequences later. I leaned back in my office chair, closed my eyes, and rubbed my forehead.

"Is everything okay, Justin, sir?" I got such a damn fright from the random person talking, I nearly fell out of my chair. I turned around to see who it was, and it was one of the people that damn wolf convinced me to hire, I think her name is Martha. "Yeah, I am okay. I just don't like homework. "

She nodded her head and entered the room, "Would you like me to make you something to eat, sir?"

"No, I'm fine, you don't have to make anything," I said as I got up from my chair and put my homework back in my bag. Martha nodded her head and left the room. I picked up my bag and left my office. As I went down the stairs, I thought about the moving guys. I could hear Martha in the kitchen so I decided it would be best to give her a heads up, "Hey Martha, there are some moving guys comings today to change out some of the furniture and the gardener should also be arriving some time this afternoon".

"Yes, sir," she said as she went back to packing things away in the cupboard. I stood there for a minute and tried to catch her scent. She is a wolf. "If you don't mind me asking, is there a chance that you are from the nearby wolf pack?" She turned back around and said, "I going to assume your dragon nose picked up on my scent. To be honest, I am surprised it took you so long. I was told dragons have some of the best senses. Oh, and yes, I am from the nearby pack. " Seriously, she knows I am a dragon. Why did he tell her, and is she here to watch me for him. You know, I don't care. I need to get ready for school. I spent the rest of the morning getting ready for school, and I chose to drive myself to school.

I was quite surprised when I got there, though. It seemed like there were fewer people here. I got out of the car just as the bell rang, so I quickly made my way to home class and got seated. Even when Alaric came in the class, which means everyone should already be here, there were still a few seats empty. I decided to check all the scents in the class. The human ones were here, so we're the vampires and felines but no wolves or dogs of any kind. Just as I accepted that all the dogs were gone, I caught more scents, and more people were on their way. A bunch of other people walked in the class, about 10. Alaric stood up and said "okay everyone since a good portion of the school decided not to come, we will be combining the home classes for the day."

As I looked around the class, I noticed that we had about 11 open seats, I decided to sniff the air one more time so I could tell who was what. There was one cat, the same one from yesterday, that fucking panther but there was one that stole my attention. It was sweet and unique compared the rest, it was the fox but he doesn't smell like other foxes. Why does he smell different.


I can't believe more than half our class didn't show up for school, well to be honest, more than half my class are werewolves who were most definitely at the party last night. Now the parts of my class that did show up are not enough for a whole class, so ma'am told us to go look for home classes with open spots. I heard a low growl next to me to see who it was. Mark or as he is known, school bully, was giving someone a death glare. I looked in the direction he was and saw that dude from yesterday. His name was... um Justin. What did he do to get on marks bad side.

Justin looked up from his phone, I assumed, and looked directly at Mark. Then Justin's eyes went a bright orange colour, and Mark instantly looked away and went to sit down in the front of the class. Which is odd, Mark never sits in the front. Whoever Justin is, he is a shifter, what kind, I have no idea, but he might be a cat of some sort based on the colour his eyes changed into. I decided to sit next to him and see if I could get to know him more. As I sat down, I heard a very low growl come from him. I was taken off by this as I have no idea what I did wrong.

"Hi, my name is Nicholas, but you can call me Nick." I offered him my hand to shake, and he just looked at with this blank expression but at least he did take it. He said nothing but it was a start. I am not very popular at school or liked, actually I only have the one friend, lora and even she doesn't spend every break with me. She has another group of friends she usually spends time with. So if it is possible for me to make another friend before everyone turns him against me, then I am going to take it.

Now looking at Justin, he doesn't really seem American but I heard him speak and it doesn't sound like he is from Europe either. His got this dark drown hair, and he is much bigger than me, at least by a foot. Why am I so small, well I know why but must I be this small. Back to Justin, he has these orange eyes, no longer as bright or shiny as when he was looking at Mark. Looking at his frame, he is quite well built and has he has dark tanned skin. I can see his chest muscles through his shirt and his arms are just as well built. Damn, now that I think about, he is really smoking hot. I hope my mate looks like him when ever I find them.

I should be able to find them as my 18 birthday is in two weeks. I ended up staring at him, he was just so gorgeous. I looked away when he looked at me and asked "can I help you". I can feel my cheeks heating up, god I must look so foolish, what is he gonna think of me now. I heard a slight chuckle come from Justin and he was smiling at me, his gorgeous lips. Ah god Nicholas, control yourself. My cheeks must be so pink, so I looked away again. He hasn't said anything yet, and that was starting to worry me. The worry and fear of possibly screwing up my only chance at another friend.

"You need to relax, Nicholas. You have no need to be worried or scared of how I will react to you staring at me." His voice was so... beautiful and relaxing. I looked back at him and said "your sure." He sat back in his chair and said "yes I am sure. You're not the first guy to look at me like that, and you won't be the last. I mean, look at me. Back home, I had both guys and gals drooling over me." Thank god, he's not mad. My chances at being friends with him still exist.

The bell rang, and Justin put his things away, and just as he walked past me, he put his hand on my shoulder. He bent down next to me and said, "In all honesty, I don't mind it." He stood up and started to walk out of the class, so I jumped out of my seat and quickly packed all my stuff and ran after him. I caught him in the hall, he stopped walking and turned to face me and said "let me guess you want to talk during break".

"Yes, but just as friends. I would like to get to know you more. If you don't mind," I waited for his response, my hands shaking with nerves.

"Sure, why not?" he said as he raised and dropped his shoulders. "Seriously," I was surprised he said yes. I am so used to people saying no. "Yeah, it's the least I could do for bumping into you yesterday, I guess I'll see you later," he headed back down the hall and around a corner. I don't get it. It's only his second day here, and he knows his way around the school. I made my way to my next class, which was physics, excited by the fact that if I play my cards right, I can make a new friend at the end of the day.

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