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In the 16th Century, in a small and secluded fishing village named Pittenweem, located at the East Coast of Scotland, there lives a forbidden and untold romance. Only a few handfuls of people know, particularly, those who were against the said couple. The woman's name was Constance Scarlett Campbell and the man's name was Alexandrius Cassian Reed.

Back in that certain period of era, the witchcraft allegations were beginning to surge throughout the country, and Pittenweem was not an exception. Mostly of the women back then were being falsely accused of practicing witchcraft rituals. Although there were no hard evidences to prove, they were taking no chances of letting them live, even if it means killing an innocent life. Some of the accusations were just being spread because of either hidden motive of hatred or genuine fear of witches. Most of the accused women came from low- class families. It was a relief back then that Constance came from a well off and a well-known family among the village, but we can't say the same for Alexandrius and his family. Alexandrius was only a commoner, a low- life who was constantly trying to survive for his family day by day. Constance met Alexandrius when she was 10 years old. She caught him scrambling through their trash at the back of their house. When she caught him, she did not give any sense of disgust nor fear, she only looked at the boy with pure innocence. They both stared at one another but suddenly, Constance quickly went back inside again. Alexandrius was about to make his escape, afraid that she might tell her family all about him, the door slowly opened once again, letting the light creep out through the dark alley. He saw her standing while handing out a huge piece of bread wrapped in somewhat kind of paper. The boy stepped carefully towards her and accepted the food with trembling hands. As soon as he got the bread, he immediately ran without a word. When he reached through the end of the alleyway, he stopped and looked back to the girl who was still standing and staring at him. He waved his hand at her to bid goodbye and the girl returned the wave as well. Little did Alexandrius know that they would be entangled with each other's life soon.

Throughout their growth, Constance always has her own little escapades away from her family to meet with Alexandrius. She cannot let her family know that she was meeting with a boy let alone who was poor. They would think that she was a disgrace to the family.

Both of them would always run through the shore together as the sun sets on the horizons. They would sometimes row a boat on the sea and just converse with one another. Their conversations always lead them to walking down through the broken cobblestone at night as they point out to the stars at the night sky. Eventually, as you all know it, they fell in love. It was a love that only them could understand. Some people might say back then that it was disgusting to befriend a low commoner, how much more to be in love with them? But there was no such thing as a barrier that was stopping them from loving one another. They didn't mind their differences. And so, they kept this as a secret.

Both of them were at the ripe age and at the right mind when there was a surgent of rumors of witchcraft occurring. So, it was hard for them to bond late at night especially with the constant on guard of people for "witches" that may lurk around their houses. It was difficult, but they still managed sometimes to sneak and meet at an abandoned house far from the village. Some might say that they're foolish for it but it's bravery for them two. They would sit on a dusty and creaking wooden floor with a candle lamp on the center as they drown themselves with their deep talks and bathe in the warmness the lamp was giving. It's amazing how they could never run out of words to say nor they get tired of one another. It just seems that whenever they see each other, they bond like it's been a lifetime since they've saw each other. You could hardly think how can a love that is so pure and passionate be ruined in just a one blink.

Day by day, many women were perished, tortured, and burned at stake. Families of the accused weren't given an exemption thus; they were also killed in the most gruesome way, that you could only think that witch's existence are the least to be worried of. It had become a tradition that all of the accused would be burned at stake in front of many people as if it's a show that anyone would pay to see. You'd be shocked and infuriated how people could even cheer and support this kind of atrocious and inhumane acts. They stone the poor fellows that are tied on a stake, spit on them like they were some kinds of a disease, and if that ain't enough, they'd curse them with every vile word they could think of before they continue burning them to death. Humans, had forgotten to be human. It was difficult to live then, people were starting to panic and point out fingers at random people just to get rid of them. Royal Guards were spread throughout the Scotland even in the small village, Pittenweem. You can see them roaming around in any time of the day. The nightly escapades of the two, were becoming more and more difficult but they still managed to see each other often as they could. One night, like they usually do, they were sitting together staring at the lamp, whispering to one another afraid to break the peacefulness of the place. It was quiet, too quiet. Constance was smiling as she stared at Alexandrius as he talked about their future that he imagined. She eventually reached out both of his hands and squeezed it with tenderness. Her eyes made a crescent shape that created creases on the sides as she smiled widely. She could never ask for more. She loved him, wholeheartedly than she can imagine.

                In a not so far- distance, there was a small house that was being raided by the Royal Guards. Windows were cracked with holes, old furniture inside the home that they barely have were wrecked into pieces, the front door was even nearly ripped away separately. An old man and woman were on their knees begging, they were bowing even just to spare their daughter from the trials. One of the guards just scoffed and kicked them both not bothering whether the children were watching them. When they were done with them, one of them immediately grabbed a hold of the accused daughter. They pulled her hair and spitted at her face as if she was a low- life creature that doesn't need of any ounce of respect. Her other siblings were already wailing but was only silenced when they shouted at them and slapped them right on their faces. As if that violence was still not enough, they dragged the accused outside together with her family and they punched her, kicked her in the gut, and whipped her with rope. A small crowd of people only watched. One person stepped forward and pointed out to the guards that someone was missing. There were only three daughters there, where was the son? All of the guards looked at the family with the questioning look in their eyes.

While they were still holding each other, staring with wonders in their eyes, they suddenly heard a huge bang coming from the old busted door. Both pairs of eyes were wide eyes opened, hearts became in frantic non- stop as they stared at a group of Royal Guards standing near them. Constance and Alexandrius gripped as hard as they can to one another. Constance noticed that her family was also standing behind the guards. Blood immediately drained from her face. She couldn't move neither was Alexandrius. They were anticipating for their next move. One of the Royal Guards then began to talk that someone reported to them that one of Alexandrius' sisters was practicing witchcrafts and that they were told that Alexandrius can be found here together with Constance. Only Alexandrius' family knew about the two of them. So, when the guards learned about this, they immediately informed Constance's family hence why they are here now, with disbelief and disappointment in their eyes. Constance looked at her father pleadingly, helplessly, asking him to save them. Both of the parents looked away and left without a word. Like they didn't have a daughter who's about to be exiled and killed. The lead Royal Guard glanced at the parents leaving and looked back once again to the couple with a smirk in his lips, like he was waiting for that confirmation. He nodded to the other guards and they proceeded to tear them away from each other. Alexandrius was kicked into his chest blowing him away feeling the impact against the wooden wall. One of them cupped the face of Constance and smelled her maliciously into the crooks of her neck. Alexandrius saw this and shouted with rage, as he was about to jump onto the guard, someone pulled him and they proceeded to punch and kick him wherever their fist may land into. Blood began to gush through his nose, marks were beginning to form into his skin, he could barely even move. Constance could only cry in utter hopelessness. Someone suddenly slapped her and gripped her hair aggressively. They banged her head into the wall and proceeded to kick her continuously. She could only scream in pain. She didn't know what was worse, if it was the pain that she feels physically or the pain of watching her love being toyed around with violence. Her eyelids began to feel heavy until she lost consciousness.

As she opened her eyes, the next thing she knew was she was tied on a stake together with the other women who were falsely accused too. She immediately looked through the crowd, searching for her family, but none of them was there to be found. Her heart dropped in misery. She did not care about the stones or trashes that were thrown at her nor the words that are thrown to purposely pierce them through and through. She did not care at all. She has lost sense to feel. All her brain could think of was Alexandrius and how they could not achieve the future that they were always dreaming to have. She looked down as they began to lit them on fire. She could only close her eyes as tears continued to drop endlessly. She whispered to the wind, "Tha beatha eile ann an- comhnaidh ann."

There's always another lifetime.

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