Chapter 14:

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*Lycias pov*
After what felt like forever i finally heard braydin say "Okay now im going to come and open your door and then ill take your blindfold off. Okay?" I tried to reply with an "okay" but it didnt work bc i was nervous so all i ended up doing was mouthing okay. He just laughed and i heard his car door shut and i waited for him to open my door. I heard my door open and a hand unbuckle my seat belt and help me out of the car. "Okay now just hold on to me and you will be fine okay?" "Alright" i mentally high fived myself because it actually came out this time. So we started walking in what direction i have no idea, but it felt like i was walking on sand and i hear water in the background. "Oh my dear jesus are we at the beach?!?!" I screamed very loudly.. "lyciaa just wait im about to take your blind fold off...5...4...3...2...1" and i felt him take my blind fold off and then i saw what looked like a scene that belonged in a fairytale. There was a table under a white tent like thing with candles and 2 baithing suites hung up. "Oh my goodness!! Its gorgeous  braydin!!!! Thank you sooo much i love you." I said while I hugged him. "And I love you." He said while leading me to the table. He pulled out my chair and I sat down. He then walked around to his own chair and places hisself down. The silver plate was uncovered in front of me as well as him. In front of me looked like the most delicious meal ever. We both had a glass full of wine to go with it. "So is your food okay?" Braydin asked and I replied with "its amazing" but I was eating so it came out as "wits wamazing" he just replied with a chuckle and sipped his wine looking at me. I noticed he was staring at me so I sat my fork down and said "why are u looking at me" all of a sudden feeling really self cautious. "Because your beautiful." he said. I just blushed and looked down. Then I looked over to my baithing suit. It's top was white with a neon pink bow and the bottoms were white. Then I looked at his, they were white with pink borders. "So are we gonna swim or what?" And with that said he went and got the two baithing suites and started changing.. I just stood there really awkward Bc I've never seen him naked before. "sweet heart. we're mates your gonna see all this eventually so it's better just to get it over with" Braydin said while motioning to his perfectly sculpted body while winking. And since i have no shame in my game I took what he said and just stripped and started to change he looked at me came over and kissed me and and said " goodness lord help me I have the most beautiful mate ever" I just blushed and ran towards the ocean and he followed. since it wasn't cold at all I jumped right in and so did he. we swam for a while until I started getting tired of swimming so we went back to the tent. I had just noticed that there was a pallet layed out with a lot of comfy blankets and pillows, confused I asked him if we were staying here and he just grinned and nodded. I went over to Braydin and just full on kissed him with no warning. at first it was slow and sweet then it became more hungrier his hands slid down to the back of my bikini and untied the string
*** we all know what happens next**

the next morning I woke up next to my gorgeous mate, remembering what happened last night me and him completed the mating process, he marked me. so I took out my phone and looked at my mark. ( for those of u who don't know what a mark is, when your a Werewolf mate bites your neck it kinda mates a tattoo with his initials) there it was B.SM. he then woke up and just smiled at me and I realized we were still naked from last night ;). and all he does is whisper "bueatiful"

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