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You in your room?

Yeah why

I wanna talk to you

Do you wanna go out?
Mom's downstairs

You'll have to sneak me out
She doesn't know I'm here

be there now


Heather shoved her shoes and jacket on and then sat on her bed. She heard the special knock her and Harry had come up when they were five and opened her door. Harry shut the door quietly behind him and looked at her.

''She's in the living room right now. We'll just have to be quick.'' he explained.

''I hate this. Why are we sneaking out of our own fucking house?'' she rolled her eyes.

''If you want to ask mum, be my guest but I'm not coming with you.''

Heather slung her bag over her shoulder and then looked at her brother. ''You go first.''

Harry opened the door, looking out first and then walked down the stairs. Heather followed him, walking slowly and quietly. Harry turned to look at her as they reached the bottom of the stairs - and hit the squeaky floorboard.

''Harry?'' their mom yelled.

Harry looked towards the living room. ''What?''

''Are you going out?''


''You're not meeting Heather, are you?''

Harry sighed. ''No, mom.''

''Good. You know how I feel about her.''

''She's done nothing wrong!'' Harry protested.

''She's a waste of space, Harry!'' their mom cried.

''You said that about me last week.'' Harry looked at his sister and rolled his eyes. She put her finger to her mouth and mimed being sick.

''Don't get me started on you... let Heather take the blame.''

''Whatever, mom.'' Harry sighed.

He pointed to the front door and Heather hurried through it. Harry followed her, and then they both climbed into the car.

Heather kept her eyes on the front door when she saw their mom appear. ''Har.''

''What?'' Harry looked at the door and then swore under his breathe. ''Shit.''

''HEATHER!'' their mom screamed and ran down to the car.

''Drive, Harry!'' Heather cried.

''I'm fucking trying!'' he hit the steering wheel as he turned the keys.

Their mom began banging on the window and screaming abuse at both of the siblings. Harry reversed out of the driveway and sped off down the road, leaving their mom behind and Heather gasping for air.


''So, we're guessing it went well?'' Chris asked as he jumped onto Matt's bed.

''Who even let you both in here?'' Matt asked, but he grinned.

MEANINGLESS,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now