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''GOOD MORNING LOSERS!'' Nick sang as he walked into the living room. 

Heather and Chris were both sleeping on separate couches - Heather was on her side facing Nick, whilst Chris was on his stomach, his face covered with the pillows. Nick waited for them to answer for a few seconds, and then grabbed two of the couch pillows. He hit Chris over the head with one and hit Heather with the other.

''Fuck off, Nick.'' Chris muttered.

''It's morning! Wake up!'' Nick grinned, pulling the curtains open. 

''I'm tired.'' Heather groaned and turned over so that she was facing the back of the couch. 

Nick didn't reply and, for a few seconds, she thought he had gone away. That's until she felt a pillow hit the back of her head at full speed. She turned over quickly, and Chris turned his head, so that he was facing her and Nick. Clearly, he had also had a pillow hit him at rapid pace.

''Let us sleep, Nick.'' Chris mumbled.

''I want to know why you're both sleeping in here!'' Nick protested.

Chris and Heather shared a look and then the boy closed his eyes. ''We'll tell you later.''

''No! Tell me now!'' Nick whined. Nobody answered him, and he reached over, grabbing Chris' shoulders. ''Please! Tell me now!''

''Fine!'' Chris yelled, slapping Nick's hands away.

''Chris? Seriously?'' Heather complained.

''He's not going to go away unless we tell him!''

Nick nodded in agreement. ''That is true.''

The girl hesitated. ''Is Matt awake?''

''No. I checked before I came downstairs.''

''Just make sure the living room door is open...I don't want him spying on us.'' Heather said, before putting her head back onto the pillows.

''Why would he spy?'' Nick laughed slightly.

Heather looked at Chris. ''You can tell the story.''

Chris sighed. ''We were talking last night about prom and Heather said she wasn't sure whether she should ask Matt-''

''You should!'' Nick interrupted, grinning at the blonde girl.

''Can I finish my fucking sentence?'' Chris rolled his eyes.

''You may.'' Nick replied.

Chris didn't reply for a few seconds and then spoke. ''Anyway, Matt overheard, and he said he doesn't want Heather to go to prom at all.''

Nick looked at Heather, and she nodded in confirmation. 

''Are you sure?'' Nick asked.

''Why would I lie?!'' she cried.

''I'm not saying you're lying! I'm just...'' Nick looked at Chris. ''Matt wouldn't say that.''

Chris shrugged. ''That's what I said but-''

''Matt did say that!'' Heather argued.

''Did the actual words 'I don't want you to go to prom at all?' come out of his mouth?'' Nick asked.

Heather paused. ''Well, no, but-''

''Then what did he say?'' Chris asked.

''I said what did he think of me asking him, and he said it's stupid, and then he asked if I wouldn't go, and I said okay and then he said I was the best.'' Heather explained quickly.

MEANINGLESS,𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠Where stories live. Discover now