The affinity test - YH ft SY Pt 2

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A/N: This week, you are envisioning what you want.

The week begins on Monday, October 24, with Venus and the sun in Scorpio and your house of mysticism and magic forming a quincunx with Jupiter in Aries and your house of creativity. Today, you can weave a little magic by creating a vision board. Sagittarius, you might make a collage out of magazine pictures and inspiring quotes. Or you might create one online and make it the screensaver for your phone or computer. With this process, you are sending a clear message to the Universe.

On Tuesday, October 25, Mercury in Libra and your house of friendships makes a quincunx to Neptune in Pisces. Today, there could be some challenges meeting up with a friend, especially if you get your wires crossed. Sagittarius, you could end up at a different location due to a garbled text message or voicemail. On the other hand, you can embrace the energy of Neptune in Pisces by meeting at a body of water, tattoo parlor or that great fish restaurant you know.


it's been a couple of days since that incident and Gahyeon is not speaking to Siyeon, Yoohyeon or Wooyoung. She completely shut them all out from her life and never even spare them a glance. 

The girls tried their best to reconcile and make amends with the maknae, but she's just too reluctant and can't even stand to breathe in the same air as them. 

Meanwhile, Wooyoung is just down in the dumps. He felt awful for what happened. He felt so awful that he wasn't his usual self. He's usually so bright and energetic and even hangs out with his dancer crew, but now.... that all changed. 

After talking about it with the other boys, thet instantly symathized. 

"I'm so sorry, Woo. We all are." Yeosang said,

"It's not your fault. I'm the one who didn't push them away when I know I have the love of my life." Wooyoung said, "Now she's gone and it's all my fault." 

"You shouldn't beat yourself up, Woo. It's a party and anything can happen when you're drunk."Hongjoong replied. 

"Yeah, most people sometimes do irresponsible things when we're drunk, so it's not just you." Mingi reassured him. 

"Maybe..... but still.... I don't think I can ever laugh again knowing that we're offically done." Wooyoung said. 

The boys looked at each other in worriedly before having a group hug. 

Months had soon passed and Gahyeon's still not talking. Until one day, Siyeon has come into her room and was immeditely told go away before landing on the bed. 

"Have you not heard me? I said, go away!" Gahyeon yelled. 

"No. I'm not going to go away, I'm going to stay and we're going to work things out whether we like it or not!" Siyeon stood her ground, "You can't spend the rest of your life ignoring us forever. Yes, what we did was wrong, but that's only because my party scene is part of the upcoming drama we're gonna be starring in.

I've already told you about this and anyway, the person that I'm interested is San. Wooyoung's cool, but he has nothing that can compare to San." 

"But what about Yoohyeon?" Gahyeon asked. 

"That's only because they're drunk. Everyone can behave like that sometimes and I'm sure they didn't mean to do it wither. How else do you think they've hid this secret away from you? Because they're afraid that you're going to act like this." Siyeon said. 

Gahyeon looked at the ground as he tucked a piece of hair in. 

"It still doesn't make things right." Gahyeon said. 

"I know it doesn't, but put yourself in her shoes. If you were to have sex with her man and you made a promise to keep a secret and she finds out, how would you feel?" Siyeon asked. 

"Pretty terrible." Gahyeon said. 

Gahyeon is now understanding that probably shutting them out might not be the best thing after all. 

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you. You guys deserve to explain about everything that's happened and I just cut you off." Gahyeon said, feeling guilty. 

"That can happen, but I forgive you. Come on, let's go and talk to Yoohyeon." Siyeon smiled. 

As they were about to, Dami bursted through the room. 

"Guys, you're not going to believe this! Wooyoung has got into a car accident!" Dami alarmed the two. 

"What?!?!" Both of them screamed. 

"Is he okay?" Siyeon asked. 

"I don't know. The doctor said that it's pretty severe...." Dami said. 

Gahyeon's eyes darted around the room in full panic. 

"We have to get over there then!" Gahyeon cried out. 

They agreedand they dashed to get their things. 

In the hospital, the girls dashed to see all of ATEEZ standing by. 

"Guys! Is Wooyoung okay?" Dami asked. 

"The doctor said that despite his nasty injuries, he has a huge percentage of living." Yeosang replied. 

The girls felt relieved as Gahyeon walked over to the hospital bed that Wooyoung is lying. His body is battered wuith a huge bandage around his torso and a cast on his left leg. She broke immedaitely to tears as she clutched onto Wooyoung carefully. 

"Wooyoung......" Gahyeon sniffled. 

"Piglet, you've made..... it." Wooyoung gasped. 

"I did.... I did! Woo, I'm so sorry for shutting you out." She sniffed, "Siyeon has told me everything and I..... I'm such a fool for ignoring the people that I need the most in the world. I'm so sorry...." Gahyeon sobbed. 

"No, we're sorry. We should have never done this at all and then maybe, none of this would have ever happened. I don't what came across our minds to even do that, but we can assure you that we won't ever do something like that ever again." Wooyoung apologized. 

Yoohyeon sniffed back as Siyeon patted her back with Jongho. 

"I forgive you..... I forgive all of you. Wooyoung, I missed talking to you and having dates, your cuddles, your kisses, everything....." Gahyeon cuddled next to him. 

"I missed you too, my little piglet." Wooyoung smiled.


A/N: I'm glad things have worked out in the end! 

See you next time!!!!



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